Chapter 11-Aftermath

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Skye's P.O.V.

All I remember from last night is crying on the stair for about half an hour before going back in to see Alex chatting up a blonde and Dan dancing with a girl called Kasey that Phil and I used to be quite close with in school. I had to run out and I shoved past everyone on the stairs and into my room, unlocking the door and locking it again when I got inside. I slid down my bedroom door and just cried before making my way to my bed and kicking my shoes off, then sleeping under my duvet all night.

This morning I wake up to a wet pillow and damp eyes. My pillow is also smeared with black mascara that I didn't bother to take off last night. I jump up to the mirror and my hair is pushed up in a knotty mess, my mascara and eyeliner is smudged all down my face and my pink lipstick has gotten onto my dress that is crumpled and stained. I almost just break down in tears at my own appearance before I decide to man up and take it all off. Replacing it with fluffy pyjama bottoms and a winter jumper. I tip toe down the stairs and almost choke on my own breath when I see the horrible sight.

On the stairs and in the hallway are the couple from last night who were making out on the stairs and a random girl that I have never seen in my life are curled up on the steps fast asleep.

In the living room there is the blonde from last night, Kasey, Alex Day, Chris Kendall, Dan and Phil strewn all over the floor and on the couches. The blonde and Dan are dangerously close for my liking but it doesn't really matter what I like about it. In the kitchen I think I see a radio 1 DJ that I vaguely recognize. I rest my head on the worktop and shoot back up again as I realize I have just put my hands and hair in a puddle of something sticky that I really don't want to know what it is.

I knew having a house party would end in disaster. The kitchen isn't too messy, just a few dishes in the sink and that sticky puddle with some cups scattered here and there. The living room is much worse, cups everywhere, crumbs all over the carpet, games have been taken out thee shelfs and thrown across the room and I think I see food stuck to the walls when I go back through. I head out and into the bathroom to wash my hair when I see Alex at the front door.

"Alex!" I exclaim and he turns around.

"Oh, hi Skye. Great party" He says blankly

"I'm sorry about not coming back in, I talked to Dan and then came back in to dance with you again but I saw you with Kasey and I thought you liked her better than me and......

He stops me by coming forward and kissing me. Well that shut me up. His lips aren't as soft as Dan's but they are more plump and full. His hands just rest on my waist as if he is scared, Whereas Dan wrapped his arms around me. I couldn't say who's kiss was better because they are both so different. We pull away and he smiles at me with his now perfect teeth (thanks to his braces) and I smile back.

"I've been wanting to do that ever since I Iaid eyes on you" he says, still not taking his eyes off me. I look down to hide my awkwardness because I am blushing so damn hard.

"I better be going, see you tomorrow at work" He says and turns away, walking out the door.

So I just kissed Alex in my pyjamas with some sticky shit in my hair and  no makeup on and he didn't even care. But that was after I kissed Dan, I don't want to be that girl, I let Dan lead me on, knowing he was drunk but I didn't care. I feel like that girl who just goes with anything she can get. I try not to cry this time because I am done with tears.

Sorry this is a short Chapter, I just wanted to do one of what it was like after the party, so that's what I did ♡

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