Chapter eight

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Arias pov

I decided on a black and white polka dot bikini, it pushed up my breasts because it was really tight.

I put on some high waisted blue short shorts and a purple crop top and some high heeled sandals over the bikini. I wiped off my makeup and put a new layer, first I put water proof foundation on my arms and face.
I decided just to wear some waterproof mascara lip balm that's all I put on.

Because I was going in water and I didn't need to look like a zombie.

I brushed my hair and put it in a messy bun, brad texted me he was coming in five minutes to pick me up I replied saying I would be ready.

I grabbed my purse and put a towel sun screen and other things in there.

The door bell rang meaning he was here, I ran downstairs and told the boys I was leaving now.

I opened the door and saw brad standing there I closed the door and we walked to what looks like his mom.

"Hello you must be arias I'm Anne brads mom"

"Hi nice to meet you to" I smiled

"Brad you better take care of her she's a keeper"Anne said I blushed and looked out the window. We arrived to the beach and we said goodbye to his mom.

"You have nice mom"I complemented

He laughed and we entwined our fingers together as we walks over to where the boys said we'll meet. They were already there

"Hi guys"I waved and laid a towel then sat down.

"So what do you guys want to do"Connor asked

"Go swimming duh"James said and we laughed. The boys were already in shorts so they just had to take there shirts off. I started to feel self conscious I looked around and saw nobody here but us, I took off my shorts then my shirt I took my sandals off then went into the water.

The boys were standing there with there with jaws dropped to the ground.

"Are guys just going to stare or go swimming"I chuckled and they blushed before coming over.

The water was freezing so I ran back out. Someone picked me up and put me over there shoulder which scared me really bad because I screamed.

"Put me down brad"I recognized it as him because of his shorts.

"Ok if you say so"he said and threw me into the freezing water. I got back up and glared at him,

"Why did you do that its freezing"I whined

"Aww do you need a hug"he said and came over to me I screamed again and swam farther in the water.

I swam for five minutes until he caught up to me, he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into him.

"Why did you run away"he whispered in my ear

"Because I didn't want to hug you after you threw me into the water"I explained smiling.

"Well then your going to pay for that" he whispered again before letting go and swimming away. What did he mean by that? I asked myself.

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