Lost and Found

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As I lay there lost in my head, I didn't notice that someone was watching me and calling out to me. I finally ran into something and crashed to the ground, crying out as I felt something dig into my ribs. I just lay there for a while, breathing heavily, trying to ground myself. The person has come up to me and asked if I was okay. I jumped in fear, and backed away from them. I noticed she was pretty. Long brown her, sparkling eyes, and despite being skinny, she seemed well fed. She repeated her question, not moving. I looked at her and finally answered. "Y-Yeah, I-I'm fine." She nodded. "Good, my name isn't important at the moment, but you can call me G." It was my turn to nod. Ok, well um... I'm uhhh... C-C-Cloe." She just smiled and slowly stood up, so as not to startle me. She offered me a hand and I hesitantly accepted. I started to brush the dirt out of my hair as my lovely little voices made an appearance. She only helped you because she pitied you, you attention seeking slut. She is silently laughing at you. She couldn't care less about you, she probably wishes you would just die. I tried my best to ignore them, but they were right. I turned to her to realize she'd been trying to get my attention this whole time. "Are you alright? You're bleeding." I just stared at her in utter confusion. "Your arm." I looked down to see that my arm was gushing blood.

Thirty Øne Smøl Beanish PiløtsWhere stories live. Discover now