Chapter One: Breakfast In Zurich

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~ o ~

I'm standing at the edge

But something always brings me back

All the voices in my head

Reminding of what I have

~ o ~

Shambali Monastery, Nepal- 12 AM

"When will you be returning Genji?" asked Zenyatta.

The ninja looked towards the ground and shook his head.

"I am not sure Master...this is something I believe I need to do and I cannot say how long it will take me," he replied.

The monk approached his student before placing a hand on his shoulder.

"You have given it much thought then?" he asked.
"Yes Master, I do not think I will be able to move forward without knowing for certain...forgive me if I have chosen an inopportune time to do this," replied Genji.

Zenyatta shook his head and Genji knew that if his master had a true face, he would be smiling proudly.

"You have come a long way since we first met my student and you should know that I am very proud of you," he said.

Genji lowered his head, now beginning to feel doubt creep into his mind.

"You are not the person I met several years ago, now you have the most powerful force of all to guide,"

The ninja smiled behind his mask before bowing respectfully.

"I have you to thank for that master," he replied.
"Take as much time as you need and always remember Genji...follow your heart," said Zenyatta.

With a final nod, Genji turned to the open doors of the monastery. After several more seconds of thought, the ninja took his leave in the helicopter that had arrived for him.

"Thank you Master...for this chance to tell her everything,"

Three Days Later- Zurich, Switzerland

"It's getting late Dr. Ziegler, shouldn't you be heading home right now?"

Mercy shook her head with a tired, yet satisfied smile.

"I still have some work to finish up, you can go home if you'd like Dr. Friede," she replied.

The older doctor nodded slowly before looking down at the mountain of paperwork on her desk.

"Is this all from your trip to Hanamura?" he asked.
"Yes; the Black Talon is developing some sort of weapon that I need to learn more about, so I went ahead and gathered as much intel as I could," she explained.

Friede placed a hand on his chin.

"It's strange; some kind of drug that causes any imbiber to go completely berserk with the mention of a keyword?" he asked.
"I aim to find out everything about this," she replied.

The elder doctor yawned audibly before looking down at his watch to see that it was 1 AM.

"Alright, I will return early in the morning and see what I can uncover, have a good night Dr. Ziegler," he said.
"Good night," she replied.

The doctor took his leave, closing the door behind him. Mercy let out an exhausted breath, feeling her body begin to slow down from the last four late nights in a row.

"...Perhaps it really is time I took a break,"

"Incoming call Dr. Ziegler," said Athena.

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