The meeting

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I was at a meet and greet and was the second to last one in line. I got to see all these different poses and was thinking of my own to do with the boys. I mostly wanted to be close with Niall because I loved him since the beginning. I have had all these scenes in my mind about how I was going to meet him, how I was going to talk to him, and just everything that involved him in it. 

The line was moving ever so slowly and I was still nervous as ever. The only person that knew how I felt was my best friend. She would laugh at me sometimes because I would cry because of the boys, but mostly Niall. After she finished laughing and seen I was all good again she said she was sorry. Then I forgave her like usual because I knew it was kinda dumb to cry all the time over just a normal guy. 

The line has moved a lot while I was thinking to myself and I looked in front of me and seen that there were only 10 or 12 people in front of me and one behind me. Most of the girls asked Harry, Zayn, or Lou to be near them and a few asked Liam, but hardly any asked Niall. I was kind of upset that no one even tried to be near him, hug him, or even talk to him. 

The line went faster and I only saw one girl ask Niall for a hug. I was still upset, but I were next in line so I were more nervous then ever. It was my turn now and I went up to the other boys and said a quiet hello to all of them and when the guy with the camera asked me to choose a pose I went to Niall. 

"Hey, erm Niall do you think you could pick me up for like a hugging pose. You know like from the movies where they put their heads into each others necks. I mean if not then it's-" he stopped me by saying a yeah. After that he picked me up from under my bum and I put my arms around his neck while putting my head on his shoulder. He did the same with his head to my shoulder. The camera guys was like "boys do an 'awh' expression" 

I heard a click of a camera, but Niall didn't move his head. So I was trying not to cry because now I had to leave him. "Um Ni can you, uh let me down.. please" I said barely audible because of the tears I was holding in. He put me down and he was about to say something, but I couldn't handle it anymore so I looked up at him with tears getting ready to escape my eyes. "I'm sorry, I have to go" I ran by the guy with the camera and he held my picture out for me and so I took it and continued to run out into the hall. After I got out there I just slid down the wall, put my head on my knees, and continued to cry extremely hard. 

I heard footsteps come near me and then they stopped in front of me. I looked up from my knees a little bit and seen the shoes of the guy I so badly didn't want to leave. "W-what are y-you doing h-here Ni, I mean Niall y-you had a g-girl behind me t-that wanted a picture with One Direction." 

"Why'd you start crying and run? No one else did that today." he said sitting beside me.

"Uh, because I um... reasons." I said still not looking at him. 

"That's a lie, so give me da real reason." He said with his strong Irish accent.

"I didn't want to leave that moment okay. I didn't want to leave you." I said looking at him with tear stained cheeks. 

"Why's that?" He said looking confused. 

"I know you don't really want to hear a fans story of why she didn't want to leave." I said looking away from him.

"You're right I don't want to hear some fans story. I want to hear yours." He said lifting my face up by my chin. 

"Well-" I started and then told him my story. He looked at me and then he said he will be right back, got up, and then left. I stopped crying while telling my story and so I got a look at my picture and I admit that I was in love with it because I have imagined this for years. I looked in the direction of the meet and greet room and looked back at the picture. I am so going to miss him. I got up and started walking towards the exit. I know he said he was going to be back, but I can'tstay here. I looked at my phone when I got to the door, dialed my friends number to see if she could come pick me up since I took a cab here and don't have anymore to go back. She picked up and I was about to ask her when someone turned me around. It was Niall. My friend was still on the phone, but listening for what could happen. She always does this. "Niall, I uh was just calling my friend so I could get ready to leave." 

"No, I will uh take ya home" He said looking me in the eye. By now my friend hung up. I knew I would have to explain later, but for now I guess I have to deal with the one I love. Since he knows now, but ugh why did I tell him that part of the story?


Vote, Comment, and tell me if I should continue this or not. I would love you forever if ya did. (:

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