I'm a weirdo...

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      So as we walked out of the building I looked up at Niall and furrowed my eyebrows because I was so confused. 

"Ni, I erm mean Niall why did you wanna take me home? You had that last girl back there wanting her picture with everyone. So why leave with me?" I said looking straight ahead now.

"That's why I went back. I took the picture with the boys and her and then told modest that I was going to take you home because I was worried about you because no one really comes up to me and then just runs off like that." He said looking down at me smiling.

"I don't see why people don't like you because you are kinda perf-" I cut myself off from talking anymore because I am blushing and probably embarrassing myself even more.

"I am not perfect--"


"So like I was saying I am not perfect (Y/N) no one is perfect"

"Well I believe you are perfect and sorry I keep calling you Ni. I don't mean to it's just a habit."

"Well it's okay you can call me that if you want to I mean I don't really mind, it's just different ta have like a fan talking to me without freakin' out" 

"Well like I told you when we were out in the hallway, I think that you are a regular person and not some celebrity. Even though you are famous you are still normal to me if that doesn't freak you out." I said giving him a freaking myself out look.

"You are funny you know. How old are you?" 

"I am almost 18" I said wondering where we are walking to since we have never came to his car. "Uhm Ni, where is your car or whatever you are taking me home in?" I asked stopping my walking.

"Well I was hoping that we could go into this little shop here and get some coffee or something." He said looking and pointing at the coffee shop.

I nodded my head and we walked into the little cozy shop. We walked over to a table and a waitress came up to our table and seen that it was Niall and asked for an autograph and then took our order. I just smiled as she left and pulled out my phone and was on Twitter. 

"What ya doin'?" Niall asked as he seen me on my phone.

"On Twitter, just looking at stuff." I said with a smile.

"Well I have a question to ask you." He said taking his phone out of his pocket and sitting it on the table.

"Okay, shoot." I said sitting mine on the table too.

"I am pretty sure I know this answer, but have you ever tweeted me. I mean I know you probably have and I might not have seen it. I just want ta make sure." He said smiling a little. Man why does he have to be so cute.

"Yeah, I have actually. You nor the other boys have seen my tweets to y'all." I said grabbing my phone and looking at it again and trying not to blush. I seen my drink in front of me and I thanked the girl and went back to my phone. I looked up from my phone sneaky-like and seen Niall looking at me and then I looked back down and seen him pick his phone up. I am seriously wondering what he was doing.

*Niall's POV*

I was looking at her and she was concentrating on her phone. So I picked up my phone and decided to go on Twitter. I looked her up and hit the follow button. I then looked up to see her smile. That right there made me want to continue to get to know her but I know we are heading out to another city in a couple hours. FUCK. I finished my tea since I didn't like coffee that much and decided to tweet something about (Y/N). 

-So I am having an amazing day with an awesome friend. Hope ta c more of her-

I then tagged her in it and seen she replied back.

-Yunno I am right in front of ya yet you don't talk -.- Weirdo-

I laughed at that and seen her holding back her laugh. "Come on let's get out of here." I said holding out my hand for her. She took the offer and her hand is really soft. We walked out of the coffee shop and headed back towards the building we were first in. When we got there I was surprised there were no fans the whole time I was out with (Y/N) I really liked it and I am kinda starting to think that I might like her as well. We walked to the car that I had asked modest to get for me and it is a nice one. We got in and I seen a note on the wheel. -Have it back in the parking lot by 9 or we will have to pay the over amount.- Great. Sounds just like them to say something like that. Well it is only 6 so we have got 3 more hours til it has to be back. 

"So how far do you live from here?"

"Erm, like thirty minutes to an hour"

"Well I gotta few hours til I gotta be back"

"Well I have an idea of where we can go before I go home"

"Well where would that be?"


"Okay then enter the directions into the GPS" I said laughing a bit at her hyper self.

The meet and greet that changed my life (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now