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the first time

she cried

drops of salt poured through her eyes

but he didnt care

he was enjoying himself

but she was begging

but not the way he thought

after a while

she stopped

wasting her fluids

and let it happen

after about the 100th time

she decided it was fine

the pain had dulled

the first time it felt like fingernails scraping her insides dry

but now she was blunt like the knife in her kitchen

the blood running down her legs had dried

and it smelled of iron

he smelled of iron

when she had

the opening of a wound

she thought of him

and maybe thats why

she was to always think of the man who stole from her

the man who had taken her humanity

now the scraping had turned into carressing

as she felt her rounded stomach

of the human growing inside her

and she would never forget

the smell of iron

and the dried blood on her thighs

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