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she sat on the bed

waiting for him

she knew was what going on

she pretended not to notice

and he bought it

like he bought the condoms at rhe store at 5th street

and she knew what was happening

so why hadnt she brought it up

her gentle fingertips

brushed against the bruise along her eye

and she wanted to cry

but crying would make you weak

and being weak was not acceptable

in this household

she feared his fist

but she had metal

stronger than even him

her fingers carressed the trigger

like a mother carresses her child

but now it was three am

and she was ready to confront him

he opened the door and said hello

and she said hello

and she nodded

grabbing the metal holsted to her side

but she smelled the perfume of Ms. Smith on him

and she paused

so she smiled and said hello again

and he nodded and kissed her

with the same lips that had kissed Ms. Smith

and she painted a smile on her face

because as he had said

a woman should stay quiet and still

and serve her man

but she knew

the world expected more from her

and her hands moved away from the gun

because this wasnt the end

God wanted her to have

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2017 ⏰

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