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I've never understood life.

I mean look around

Why is everyone so happy?

Why am I not?

Sure I smile and laugh

But it Isn't enough to let the days pass

Oh look at me

I'm crying

I'm dying

Feeling done with trying

When I try to be myself around the one person I can

Others disapprove

They disband

And that I wonder why

Isn't this what you wanted for me ?

To make a friend?

To be able to show my true smile to?

Or was it all a joke

Were you just taking pity?

Because I look around and no one cares

So I might as well do what I do best

And build the wall of despair

I've been here!

You can talk to me!

But no, you would rather choose someone else

Because I come with a fee

You ask me why I'm depressed

So here I am to tell you why

Don't bother telling someone else

Because I do not need help.

The reason I'm depressed


Never thought I'd tell

But now I'm sick and tired of this spell

So here I go to let you be

To tell you the story

Of how I'm me

It all started long long ago

When I met this girl

About 5 years or so

She was strange

But quirky and cool

And I finally met my new friend in school

Moving on from that just a year up

I got bullied


And some what beaten up

I usually never smiled or cried or laughed

Until she came and ruined what I had last

She kicked me out

And that I won't forget

But I made new friends

Even better yet

3 girls all weird and crazy like me

We soon made a band

We obviously lacked

But soon we got better

Yes we did in fact

A year after that

You started to forget

Forget we were friends

I thought I was important

For once in my life

But you pushed me away

Into an even harder fight

Moving on from that

Just a couple years up

How could I forget

The acquaintance I met

Who turned into a friend

A friend I'll never regret

Maybe you'll have doubts

But I probably won't be there to find out

You made me smile

Something I hadn't done in a while

You made me laugh

Something I'd rather pass

But of course over a certain amount of time

People get annoyed

And that's just fine

I wonder why though

Why I can't be myself

But now I know

Because if I don't let myself show

Then you won't let go

Because death seems better than me losing you

And me losing you is worse than you losing me

And yes maybe you'll fight with me saying that

Someone did care

But it's all a lie

Cause Honey, life isn't fair

I have one final request

And a big one it is

The one I've been meaning to get off my chest

The one that kept me from rest

Stop being my friend

It shouldn't be so hard

Stop caring about me

When all I do is scar

Be happy like your life will serve

And leave me in the dark

My home preserved

I'll say it once more

In case you want to forget

Stop being my friend

It will be better yet

Move on with your life

Because I've already said goodbye

You can't change that

We're all going to die.


So yeah... I got mad at my 'friend' because she said some stuff and yeah... ok bye bloop

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2017 ⏰

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