Gee-Cee-Pee-Dee, Put Down Yor Weponzzzz!

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Gotham (2014) Episode Script


- Previously on Gotham -
Oh, crud.
OSWALD: He killed my mother, Jim.
He had her murdered in front of me.
I am going to kill you.
BRUCE: I think I found something.
The week of his murder, he was supposed to meet a woman named Karen Jennings about something called Pinewood Farms.
KAREN: Pinewood Farms was a bioengineering program at Wayne Enterprises.
BRUCE: It started up again, didn't it? That's why my father came to see you after all those years.
ALFRED: Karen Jennings is gonna be dead the minute she hits Blackgate Prison.
GORDON: That's why we're gonna break her out.
The man who contracted Matches Malone to kill your parents called himself The Philosopher, and I'd be willing to bet that this is the man who was behind Pinewood.
BRUCE: "Hugo Strange.
The Philosopher.
" He runs Arkham now.
We brought someone back.
(yelling): Azrael! We actually did it.
(electrical hissing, scraping) (panting) Rally to me.
Rally to me.
Dumas will deliver us.
Dumas will deliver us.
And Dumas will protect us.
Heathens, idolaters, Spawn of Satan, prepare to die! (screaming) No.
No, don't.
Sister? Speak to me, please.
Please speak to me.
Who are you? Huh? Who are you?! Has there been any improvement since he woke up yesterday? - No.
- (yelling) But he's wonderful, isn't he? Who are you? Who are you?! Strong as an ox, fast as a snake.
Mad as a hatter.
(inhales deeply) There's not much use bringing back the dead if they come back crazy.
Oh, he's not crazy.
He just doesn't know who he is.
His psyche can't reconcile being brought back from the dead.
It's fractured, grasping at fragmented memories.
The text that he has written on the walls are all verses from this book.
The Will and Order of St.
The Galavan family is proudly descended from 12th century crusading knights.
This is their sacred text.
Evidently, our patient has memorized the whole book.
His brain is struggling to rebuild a coherent self, but he's using the wrong parts.
So what's the cure? Good question.
(phone ringing) What is it? (door opens, distant yelling) Mr.
Professor Strange.
Sorry to drop by unexpected.
Oh, not at all.
Please, have a seat.
To what do I owe the pleasure? I've been hired by a client to look into something.
I was hoping you could help me with it.
- Of course.
- This is Karen Jennings.
She was murdered last night.
- Oh, how tragic.
- She was a test subject in an old Wayne Enterprises program called Pinewood Farms.
Before she passed, Karen mentioned you were involved with the program.
- That was a long time ago.
- Try and remember.
If you can.
Pinewood Farms was started by Thomas Wayne in an attempt to cure humanity's greatest ailments on the genetic level old age, disease, even death.
But that's not what happened, is it? Karen said the program tried to play God, and you ended up creating monsters.
I was just a researcher with no knowledge of that until it was too late.
A man of your skill and expertise a lowly researcher.
Find that hard to believe.
But it's true.
Wayne excelled at compartmentalizing every aspect of his life.
Within Pinewood, the left hand often didn't know what the right was doing.
He lied to us all.
Not many people would see you as the victim here.
I was one of the ones who forced Thomas Wayne to shut down the program, but by then so many people had been hurt.
I have a theory.
I believe you ran Pinewood Farms.
I believe you've restarted the program, and I would like to know Why are you really here, Mr.
Gordon? Excuse me? This whole city has turned its back on you, despite you risking your life to save it over and over again.
I'm not here for a therapy session, Professor.
It's more like an interrogation by a man who is no longer a police officer.
Who no longer has the right to demand answers.
The only reason you're sitting in that chair is because I allow it.
So let me ask you, why are you here? Like I said, I have a client.
Bruce Wayne, I suppose.
So it's a job? You're here to pay the rent? Surely not.
All that's happened to you this last year.
Hero cop found guilty of murder.
Sentenced unjustly to Blackgate.
And now you return to what? You've lost everything.
You're trying to make up for the sins of your past, and you believe that this case will somehow bring about your own personal redemption.
- No.
- You're not doing this for your client.
You're doing this for yourself.
You're wrong.
You just exhibited several tells facial ticks expressions and eye movements that people involuntarily betray themselves with when they lie.
Let's talk about Victor Fries.
Victor Fries is dead, Mr.
Really? I saw him last night.
(laughs) That's impossible.
This is a court order signed by District Attorney Dent to exhume Fries' body.
Where is it buried? He was cremated.
Thank you.
For what? I can read tells, too.
You're lying.
I needed to be sure you were behind all this, and now I am.
Don't lie! I heard you! - (people scream) - Don't.
- MAN: There you go.
- Don't.
Please do! Squeeze the life from him! Kill him! Kill him now! - Are you two fighting again? - He called me fat! I didn't do anything! It wasn't m-me! It was Lucy.
The fifth personality again.
Such a nasty attitude.
See, this gets complicated.
See, Lucy is in his head, 'cause Rudy has what's called - multiple personality - In his head?! - Then I'll pull her out! - No.
No, no, no, no, no.
She's she's a she's a ghost.
- A gho - Yes.
And she makes Rudy say things that he doesn't want to say.
(gasps loudly) I can see her.
Lucy? You've got some nerve.
Making old Rudy say things like that.
You know that Helzinger is not fat.
In fact, you said that Helzinger was handsome.
- Oh! - (all gasp) Don't you shove me! Oh! She slapped me.
Now I'll tell you something, Lucy.
You will leave Rudy alone.
And if you come back here again, you'll have to deal with me.
Thank you, Lucy.
She really made you say all that? Y-Yeah.
Wa wa wasn't me.
Hey! Lucy thinks I'm handsome? Mm-hmm.
Is that right, Lu ? What is he doing here? Hello, Jimmy.
- Go to hell, Ed.
- Oh, you've already put me there.
(Laughs) But not for long, my friend.
I'll find my way out.
'Cause this place is just one big puzzle, and puzzles are my forte.
Nobody beats me.
I did.
See you never, Ed.
That's what you think.
PEABODY: I have the feeling he's going to be more than a simple nuisance.
Not the type to be bribed, nor distracted easily.
Very interesting.
What has no hands but might knock on your door, and you better open up if it does? Mr.
Gordon's continued interference threatens to slow us down when we're about to reach our finest moment.
He'll do more than that.
Eavesdropping is rude and unwise.
Eavesdropping implies intent, and I mostly - accidentally overheard.
- Overheard what? Jim Gordon, the word nuisance.
Sounds familiar.
Probably has something to do with your releasing Penguin and Gordon's ex-fiancée.
I can help you take him down.
I know everything about Jim Gordon.
If you let me out of here, we could probably just sit down in your office Mr.
Nygma, you can't help me.
I'm here to help you.
Those are the roles that were defined for the two of us.
- Now, there's another pressing matter - No.
I-I I can manipulate people.
I did it to Gordon once, and I can do it again, 'cause peoples' brains are just a mystery, and once you figure it out Look.
Helzinger? Can't stand criticism because of an overbearing mother.
Wants love and approval.
Gets mad when he doesn't get it, so I give it.
Oh, thank you! Sharon.
Kleptomaniacal due to obsessive-compulsive disorder.
(grunting) Just give her something to concentrate on.
- And and Norton.
- (growls) Serious boundary issues.
Prone to torture, violence and cannibalism.
Unless he thinks he's your friend! - Oh.
For me? - Mm-hmm.
My point is, everyone has a story, and they just want to be listened to.
My God! I should be the shrink! (Laughs) - What did you say? - I'm sorry.
Was that too far? Everybody has a story.
That's it.
Nygma, you've actually been very helpful.
I have it, Peabody.
I have the cure for our prize patient.
Do tell.
What is an identity? What is a sense of self? It is a story that we humans tell ourselves.
We have got to give him a great, heroic story.
We need to give him a good heroic dose of Thorazine, but you're the boss.
- Perfect! - Sir? Sir? Stop! He's dangerous! (whooshing, electrical hissing) Hello? Hello? (yelling) I need all available security to the reanimation lab now! No! Do not let them in! Do not interfere! (Strange groans softly) - My son.
- (sighs) My son, please stop.
Why have you forsaken me? Have you forgotten the code? (grunts) (wheezy coughing) Who are you? (electrical hissing) My poor, dear son.
Who do you think I am? Your son? You're my father? Who else? Don't you feel a father's love when I look into your eyes? Where am I? What has happened to me?! What happened to me? - Shh.
Shh, shh.
- Why don't I know my name? - My son - (grunts) (metallic clinking) Calm your heart.
Demons took you to the land of death and bewitched your soul, but I brought you back to life.
You are the redeemed one.
What is my name? You know your name.
There is another life.
There is a sister, a high tower.
No, no, no, no, no.
False memories put into your head.
I am your father and your lord.
And he who has another birth, brought forth from the cold grasp of death shall rise again and serve my Order.
I say this, and it becomes.
And I will give him the name of Azrael! Yes! I am Azrael! - (laughing) - My Lord Dumas.
Command me.
(birds singing) (clock ticking) BRUCE: This man ordered my parents' death? You're sure? I know he was part of the reason they were killed.
Why is he not under arrest? It's not so simple, hoss.
The evidence we have is far too tenuous for a warrant.
It's ancient hearsay, not fingerprints.
Only witness is dead.
Barnes wouldn't even say no.
He would just look at me like I was nuts.
I'm sick of this.
We know where Strange is, we know he's hurting people right now, and you two are talking about politics with your boss and then getting a piece of paper signed.
- This is the way it works, Bruce.
- Why? You're not a cop anymore.
Give us a sec? (door closes) Bruce, I know you're frustrated, but we need to do this the right way.
The right way? And how many times did that fail with Galavan? - It's not the same.
- He bent and broke the law over and over again, and Strange is doing the same thing.
This man killed Karen, maybe my parents.
Look, I-I appreciate everything that you've done for me.
But I fear we are going down the same path as before, and we won't get justice unless Unless what? What you did to Galavan.
What you knew you had to do, because of the bureaucracy and the red tape.
What I had to do? I chose to kill a man in cold blood, and it was the wrong choice, crossing that line.
You'll pay for it over and over again, like I have been.
Like I still am.
And it will make you more like the evil you're trying to fight.
You need to be better.
Do you understand me? Just hold out a little bit longer.
We'll work on Barnes, get him to sign off on a warrant and put Strange away for good.
The right way.
MAN: Fearing the knights had become soft and weak from lack of leadership, Lord Dumas split from among them and formed a new faction.
He named this new sect after himself, calling it The Order of St.
- (video continues in background) - Okay.
His psyche couldn't reconcile death and rebirth until we gave it a grander context.
the epic corner of the land A story.
He's Azrael now.
A fabled 12th century knight who died for the cause of his feudal Lord Adam Dumas.
This Dumas character was made a saint, performed a lot of miracles and so forth.
And one of the miracles was bringing Azrael back to life.
I still prefer Thorazine.
You need to learn to work with what you have, Ms.
(gasps) Okay.
Our creations need new personas to equal and embody what they've become.
To give their minds focus.
Perhaps, this was Mr.
Galavan's destiny all along.
How do you even know if the persona will hold? There's only one way to find out.
We send our beautiful monster out into the wild with a simple task to perform.
He's going to need something to wear.
(sword clinks on screen, people screaming, Theo chuckles) (mimicking Strange): Mr.
Nygma, you have been you've actually been helpful.
Nygma, you have actually been helpful.
(normal voice): Dismissal.
The complete arrogance.
Nygma, you have actually been Inmate Helzinger, come with me.
Yes, ma'am.
(people moaning, groaning, muttering) Why do they keep disappearing down that hallway? Strange is hiding something.
(woman groaning) Where are you taking me? Where are we going? Where are we going?! (door opens) (door closes) (distant shouting and muttering) (door whooshes shut) How interesting.
Move! Hey, I know you.
STRANGE: I have a gift for you, my son.
I am crafting your armor as we speak, but first, your skills must be tested.
I got it.
You're the mayor.
What is this place? HELZINGER: What's going ? That is a demon.
- What's going on in here? - He lives in fire.
I want to get out of here! That case will give you everything you need to destroy him! HELZINGER: Let me get out of here! Let me out of here! Let me out! I want to get out of here! I want to (thudding) Not exactly what I had in mind, but good enough.
Try opening the chest, my son.
STRANGE: The Sword of Sin.
Your ally and instrument of justice, a vanquisher of evil for generations.
She thirsts for blood.
Generations? That sword was made yesterday.
It doesn't matter.
Our replica is central to his acceptance of his new identity.
An awe-inspiring signature weapon.
What must I do? (clears his throat) A murderer walks the streets of this city a free man.
For his sins, by your blade, he must be destroyed.
Tell me his name.
James Gordon.
My lord.
I am the Angel of Death.
James Gordon dies (metallic clang) tonight.
My office just responded to an anonymous tip and arrived here earlier this evening.
Upon entering the construction site, my men discovered the bodies of four male victims.
It'll be some time before we have any information about their identities.
Uh Uh That's all I have for you at this time.
- Excuse me.
No, that's it.
- (reporters clamoring) BULLOCK: Hey, Cap, look who I found.
Shut it, Bullock.
You have one hell of a nerve.
- Listen - You think I don't know it was you that busted out Karen Jennings? Tell me it wasn't you.
- Captain - I don't want to hear it.
How do I keep falling for your games? Really, it's a mystery to me.
Every time you come back, I truly believe that you've changed.
- You're like a-an optical illusion.
- Listen, I just need five minutes of your time.
Hargrove! Snead! Escort Mr.
Gordon off my crime scene immediately.
You, we're gonna have a little discussion about this tomorrow morning.
Captain Barnes, please.
Hear him out.
Listen, kid Mr.
Wayne, I don't care how much money or pull you have in this town.
I'm through talking to him.
Are you through listening to the truth? Oh, come on.
Give me a break.
All right, five minutes.
No, three minutes.
Bobby pins? - Only one? - It's all I could steal.
It'll have to do.
Rudy, did you get the ammonia? H-Here.
(sniffs) Perfect.
Okay, - now we just need the bug zapper.
- (exhales) What is this? It's a fly swatter.
I can see that it's a fly swatter.
I didn't ask for a fly swatter.
I asked for the bug zapper in the kitchen.
- What's the difference? - The difference is that one has a black light that emits ultraviolet energy and this is leather on a stick.
They both kill flies.
- (grunts) - I don't need to kill flies.
I need you to go back to the kitchen and get the bug zapper.
What are you gonna do with all this stuff, anyway? I think Professor Strange is hiding something.
And I think that something is a secret way out of this dump.
So I'm gonna use this stuff to find it.
BARNES: So, in a nutshell, Hugo Strange is making monsters out of dead people in his spare time, and he had Karen Jennings killed by Victor Fries, who's been dead for three months.
I know it sounds far-fetched.
Far-fetched? No.
It sounds insane! But it's true.
Trust me.
How can I trust you when you're talkin' crazy? How can I trust you when you've lied to me so many times? Monsters?! I lied to you because it's hard to tell you the truth.
You're stubborn and you're angry, and the GCPD has paid a price for it! Really? You self-righteous punk.
You think you have all the answers? Maybe you should run it yourself! Maybe I will one day.
- In your dreams.
- (thud) Who's there? - I said, who's out there?! - What the hell? James Gordon.
The time for your penance has come.
You know this guy? - Who are you? - I am Azrael, righteous scourge of sinners, and I have come to kill you, James Gordon.
Put down that weapon! Put the weapon down! Put it down right now or I'll shoot! (cape flapping) (gunshots) (grunts) (grunting) GORDON: Captain! (grunts) (door opens) Jim! (gunshots) (gunshots continue) BARNES: I need information now.
What do we know about this guy? Just what you saw.
Calls himself Azrael.
Wants to kill me.
We know Hugo Strange is responsible.
Told you so, did he? Who else could it be? I have no idea.
I have to find out the facts.
Fun part about being a police detective, instead of a loose cannon vigilante.
Excuse me, Captain.
I find your flippant attitude to be inappropriate.
I find you to be kind of a pain in the ass.
- What's he even doing here? - I'm a concerned citizen.
I want to know what you're doing about all of this.
You Oh.
Well, uh I'm going to assemble the Strike Force, call in all off-duty personnel.
We're gonna dragnet the living daylights out of this wacko.
A knight from outer space shouldn't be too hard to find, right? Okay? That's what we're gonna do.
What you're gonna do is go home and stop inserting yourself into police business.
- Captain - That's the final word.
He's right.
It's time you went home.
Leave the rest of this to the police.
And to me.
This is not just police business.
This is my business, too.
I can't make the moves I need to make if I'm worrying about you.
You need to be at home, where Alfred can look after you.
(flies buzzing) (panting) Hello, Grace.
How are you today? (chuckles softly) (static) REPORTER: Incredibly, the attacker fled the crime scene by, for all intents and purposes, scaling the side of the structure, literally disappearing into thin air.
In all my years, Ken, I must say, I've never seen anything quite like it.
That a human being should be capable of such feats, it just astounds the mind.
DENT: Theo Galavan, the new mayor of Gotham! TABITHA: Oh, brother, like I don't know you from way back.
STRANGE (echoing): Remember.
BARNES: He calls himself Azrael.
He's armed, dangerous, and has exhibited some extraordinary physical abilities.
But no one and I mean no one comes into our city and tries to carve up my officers.
We're gonna go out tonight, and we're gonna comb each and every block until we find this masked freak and put him behind bars where he belongs.
- Any questions? - OFFICERS: No, sir! Good.
Now get out there and get him.
(cheering and applause) What are you doing? I'm going out there.
- The hell you are.
- Excuse me? You're staying here for your own protection.
That's an order.
I'm not a cop anymore, remember? I don't need to follow your orders.
You're absolutely right.
You two, put Mr.
Gordon here in lockup.
- What? - I'm holding you on suspicion of breaking Karen Jennings out of GCPD custody.
- Don't do this! - I've already done it.
STRANGE: So many stories to choose from.
I feel like a child on Christmas morning.
- You wanted to see me? - Yes.
I want to install personas into more subjects immediately.
Everything we've worked for is finally within reach.
"'But I don't want "to go among mad people, ' Alice remarked.
"'Oh, you can't help that, ' said the Cat: 'We're all mad here.
'" Oh, yes.
Yes, that will do nicely.
(laughing) (whirring) No news from the search.
Let me out of here.
This is for your own good.
Trust me, you've broken enough laws for one day.
There are times when breaking the law is the right thing to do.
And who gets to decide that, you? - Yeah.
Someone has to.
- No, Jim, you're wrong.
Look where Gotham's going.
Maniacs, perverts, freaks, crawling out of every hole.
It's like a sea of evil flooding the city.
If a man doesn't cling on to the law, he'll lose his bearings, drown.
(electrical crackling) OFFICER: What gives with the lights? OFFICER 2: Everything's down.
Blackout? I don't think so.
Yeah, me neither.
James Gordon.
Back up against the cell! Move! This is Captain Barnes of the GCPD! Whoever you are, step into the light or we will take you out! THEO: But I am the light, tasked with vanquishing the evil in that cell.
You can die tryin'! THEO: You lead these men, so I will parley with you.
Parley? Order them to stand aside and allow the sinner, James Gordon, to be punished.
Do this, and I will spare them all.
Decline and they will face my judgment.
Their lives now rest in your hands.
How many will die? All? Or one? Decide, Captain.
You can go to hell.
THEO: I've been there.
You go.
(grunts) OFFICER: Over there! OFFICER 2: Do you see him? (thudding, sword stabbing) (officer screams) OFFICER: Where'd he go? OFFICER 2: I don't know.
You got eyes on him? (sword ringing) (gasping) (gunshots continue) Get him out of there! (bone cracking) Such an amazing tool of destruction.
(clicking) Vile sorcery.
(gun clatters) (grunting) (grunting) (clang) - (breathing heavily) - (bones cracking) We need a bigger gun.
I'm gonna lure the freak up the stairs.
Then you show up with something that'll tear a hole - in this bastard.
- You got it.
BARNES: Let's get to the roof right now! (Growls) (door opens) (sword ringing) (thuds) (pounding) (clanging) (panting) You, you will show me to him.
You will tell me where he is.
And then what? You'll spare my life? It's too late for that.
The most I can offer you is a painless death.
Let's dance.
(clanging) (grunting) (grunting) (clatter) That-that is not possible.
(grunting) (panting) You.
You're dead.
Not anymore.
(growls) (moans) (panting) (thuds) Finally.
Come to me, and I will show you the way to hell.
I know the way.
(grunting) For those just joining us, we're coming to you live from outside of the Gotham City Police Department (gasping, shouting) (indistinct chatter) - Oh, my God.
- There-there's been a major impact behind me.
The vehicle It appears a body has fallen - FEMALE REPORTER: Theo Galavan.
- MALE REPORTER: Theo Galavan.
- FEMALE REPORTER: It's really him.
- WOMAN: It's him! - MALE REPORTER: Theo Galavan wearing - Oh, my God - Galavan.
Uh, once again, we are confirming that the former mayor of Gotham City, Theo Galavan, is alive and dressed in a bizarre costume.
- Boss.
- (gasping) It's getting crazy in this town, huh, Jim? (Chuckles) - Don't talk.
Just breathe.
- (grunts) I'm tryin'.
- You're gonna be okay.
- Sure, I am.
You're a pain in the ass, you know that? That makes two of us.
(sirens wailing in distance, horn honking) Boss, breathe! Come on, Captain.
Hold on.
Stay with me.
Boss BP is falling fast.
We gotta go now.
Radio Gotham General.
Let 'em know we're coming in hot! BULLOCK: Jim! Jim! What the hell happened? - You okay? - Yeah.
It was Galavan.
You sure? I know it's hard to believe.
But Azrael is Galavan.
(TV playing indistinctly) (changing channels rapidly) Barb.
Hmm? That's a little irritating.
(indistinct voices) Hey.
- Babes.
- (gasps) - Relax.
- Yeah.
No, I You guys have been so good to me.
That's okay.
Don't worry.
I make great cocktails.
That'd be nice.
(chuckles) What do you want? Uh, bourbon on - Gimlets! - the rocks.
- Actually, bourbon sou - I'm making gimlets.
Okay, she scares me.
Don't be a baby.
She's harmless.
Honey, I know you like her, but that woman's mad as a bag of squirrels.
She said she's cured.
That's what an insane person would say.
(knife rings) Do we have any limes? - (people screaming on TV) - No.
Oh, my God.
REPORTER: That's right, Don.
The masked assassin that attacked the GCPD earlier tonight has been identified as former mayor Theo Galavan.
Now, there were reports TABITHA: Theo? It can't be.
Holy moly.
REPORTER: the assassin was forced off the roof, - (flies buzzing) - then fell right over there, then stood up in front of all of us.
And it was him, Theo Galavan, alive.
And from what we know, he's responsible for three officer fatalities.
We also learned that Hello, old friend.
still at large and is considered extremely dangerous.
- (TV shuts off) - Well, he must never have been dead.
I mean, that's the only possibility.
I mean, no one dies and comes back to life again, do they? No one.
But he did.
- Strange must be behind this.
- What the hell is happening to our city? Nothing good.
MAN: No, no, I don't want to go.
GUARD: We're just going to see (jaunty tune playing) I'm looking over a four-leaf clover That I overlooked before One leaf is sunshine, the second is rain Third is the roses that grow in the lane - Ah.
- No need Explaining The one remaining Is somebody I adore I'm looking over A four-leaf clover that I - Overlooked before - (whirring) (hissing) I'm looking over a four-leaf clover - (bell dings) - That I overlooked Before (whirring) (bell dings) (hissing) (indistinct groaning, shouting) - (pounding) - (excited shouting, groaning) Oh, my.
(shouting, roaring) (indistinct chatter) (siren whooping) (camera shutters clicking) (growling) 

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