50 facts .-.

82 8 9

I got tagged from like two people sooooo I'll do this while I'm on XD

Have you ever..

1. Been drunk?
Only at parties

2. Kissed someone?
I think the question should be when have I NOT kissed someone

3. Broken up with someone?
Yeah ;3;

4. Had sex?
Sadly, I'm guilty Cx

5. Had a threesome?
XD Not yet-

6. Cried yourself to sleep?
Who doesn't??

7. Self harmed?
Hahah, yes. Dark times.

8. Been in love?
Sometimes I thought I have been, but that opinion was always proven wrong.

9. Cheated?

10. Standing on a stage?
I have a few times.

11. Been depressed?
Hello, I'm Aries nice to meet you. XD

12. Smoked?
Yes, I have.

13. Felt lonely?

14. Sneaked into a bar not being old enough?

What's your..

15. Age?
Cx don't ask a lady about her age-

16. Biggest wish?
For Anna to come back~

17. Relationship status?
It's complicated-

18. Biggest fear?
Losing more people who I love.

19. Longest relationship?
It had to have been 9 months to a year.

Do you..

20. Masturbate?
Once again... hello my name is Aries nice to meet you. XD

21. Have a girl/boy friend?
Not at the moment.

22. Like yourself?
Not really but I mean I'm working on it XD

23. Have/want a tattoo?
I want so many tattooooooossssss ❤

24. Have/Want piecings?
I have my ears and my nose pierced. I want to get my ears pierced more tho XD

25. Smoke?
I used too

26. Party sometimes?
All the time*

27. Believe in ghosts?
Omfg yESSS

28. Want a boy/girl friend?
I'm not sure tbh it most likely wouldn't work out :/

What's your favourite..

29. Artist?
I actually love Ed Sheeran so I'd have to say him Cx or Bruno Mars-

30. Movie?
Any horror movie or musical *^*

Like rocky horror film or RENT, etc~

31. Song?
Don't really have one. Depends on genre and what mood I'm in.

32. Tv series?
Does Netflix series count? Cause then Riverdale XDD OR SUPERNATURAL LIKE YAS

33. Animal?
chinchilla XD

34. Book?
Harry Potter series and of course Percy Jackson series

35. Colour?

36. Juice?
Cum juice-
Jk, ice tea.

This or that..

37. Twitter or Facebook?
More like Tumblr or Pinterest XD

38. Coke or sprite?

39. Tea or coffee?
Tea *^*

40. Taco or pizza?

41. Beer or Vodka?
Whiskey Cx

42. Country or Rock?
Rock~ who tf likes country-

Would you ever..

43. Be with someone who was 10 years older then you?
Depends if they treat me well and have money and AREN'T a pedo XD

44. Bathe naked?
Only if you're in there with me~ c;

45. Smoke pot?
gasp. I'd never smoke the devils lettuce!! :o (yes)

46. Have a threesome?
I would if it involved Dave Franco-

47. Get married?
To much commitment-

48. Have children?
Hitler spawns? No thank you

49. Swim with sharks?
Only if I have a death wish

50. Tag 15 people?
Tf does it look like I know 15 people!?!?

I tag anyone reading this (which isn't much .-.)

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