This or That Tag

55 8 24

1. Coffee or tea?
Iced coffeeeeee

2. Black, white, or colour?
I love all but I'm more on the colour side cause of summer ❤️

3. Drawings or paintings?
Paintings are beautiful but I can't paint for shit XD

4. Dresses or skirts?

5. Books or movies?
Books 💕

6. Pepsi or coke?
The drink, not the drug-
Well maybe the drug too-

7. Chinese or Italian?

8. Early bird or night owl?
Night owl *^*

9. Chocolate or Vanilla?
Chocolate aha

10. Introvert or Extrovert?
Extrovert of course-

11. Hugs or kisses?
Depends on where the kisses are~ c;

12. Hunting or fishing?
Hunting for some dick and fishing for compliments if that is what you mean-

13. Winter or summer?
I hate winter it freezes my tits so no thank you-
Summer I can dress how I want and still look good as hell xP

14. Spring or fall?
Spring cause of the pretty flowers 🌺

15. Rural or urban?
Rural *-*

16. PC or MAC?
Mac cause I'm more used to those

17. Tan or pale?
I'd rather be tan but I'm pale af-

18. Cake or pie?
Pieeeeee, Cherry pieeeee c;;

19. Ice cream or yoghurt?
Ice cream over yoghurt any day

20. Ketchup or mustard?

21. Sweet pickles or dill pickles?
What are sweet pickles •-•

22. Comedy or mystery?
Comedy *^*

23. Boots or sandals?
Boots cause I hate sandals

24. Silver or gold?
Gold but I know it would be fools gold cause I'm a broke ass girl XD

25. Pop or rock?
Rock for the winnnnn

26. Dancing or singing?
I can't do either so-

27. Checkers or chess?
Checkers cause I'm not smart enough for chess-

28. Board games or videogames?

29. Wine or beer?
Beer 🍻

30. Freckles or dimples?
Freckles are fucking adorable

31. Honey mustard or BBQ sauce?
Honey mustard *^*

32. Body weight exercises or lifting weights?
Hahahaha do you think I exercise?-

33. Baseball or basketball?

34. Cross word puzzles or sudoku?
Cross word lmao

35. Facial hair or clean shaven?
Depends on your facial structure XD

36. Crushed ice or cubed ice?
Cubed? •^•

37. Skiing or snowboarding?
Surfing..... the internet Cx

38. Smile or game face?
I have a terrible smile and my face is ugly so how about a paper bag?

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