You meet le killers

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Eyeless Jack ( he's ma bae )

You were peacefully asleep in bed till you felt something lift up your shirt you kept your eyes closed until you felt something sharp and cold on your stomach where your kidneys are. Then you just straight up kicked the person in the face. "Ow. What the hell was that for !" "Bitch you tried to take my kidneys " "I need them to eat." "Go take someone else's". "Fine but I'm coming back tomorrow ". After that you somehow went to sleep easily. The next morning you found a note that said " I'll see you tonight beautiful " 

                                                            ~ Eyeless Jack <3

Jeff just like E.J 's but more jeff if ya know


You were walking home from a girls day out with your besties. (Y/ bff/n) was still there walking with you till she had to walk in her direction. You then heard foot steps from behind you but you saw nothing there you kept walking until a masked man grabbed you. You went into badasss mode ( because I'm nice like that 😁 ) and punched him in the face. " Ow what the fuck " "Asshole  you grabbed me first" " true " "so what do you want" "I was gonna kill you but never mind your to hot to die" " uh thanks " "just tell me we'll meet again""ok" after that he left and you continued on your way home. When you got home you found a note that read ' the masked man you met outside well the names

 Masky either way I can't wait to see you again( Y/n ) 

                                                                                                    ~ Masky 

Hoodie ( like Maskys except for more stuttering . I'm tired ok  )


You were running from your abusive step-dad who got wanted to do more than beat you for no good reason  " come back you little whore " you fan faster at the sound of his cold voice knowing  he found you. You fell down and hit you leg hard your step-dad grabbed you by the waist "Stop. Someone help me !"  " Shut it slut " then he dropped on the ground and you heard static. You looked up to see a tall faceless man with tendrils coming out of his back holding your now dead step-dad " Are you ok  child""yes sir, thank you so much""no need, I'd hate to see such a beautiful thing get hurt by such a horrid person""y/n""I'm slenderman just call me slendy for short""thanks""I'll take you home my dear" next thing you know your in your own room. You went to bed and your last thoughts were 'thanks slendy' 


You were you playing LoZ and talking to your bff while eating pizza. Then out of no where your game crashed. "Wtf. Hey I was playing that" then a text appeared that read ' you shouldn't have done that ' " what did I do except be awesome " then a boy came out of your game console. He looked like link except he had red eyes and blood coming out of his eyes. " Hey sexy. The names BEN and we're going to be seeing each other a lot more Y/N.""How the hell do you know my name"" Dumbass your name is posted on your wall""ok". He stared at you for a while and then he broke the silence by saying " I was gonna kill you but your to sexy so I'll see you again."  and with that he left leaving you in your room dumbfounded.

This was made by @Wintergirl2629 aka Tamyra follow my real profile please and lit idiot squad 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2017 ⏰

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