~Chapter two~

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Your POV


"I'm up.I'm up."I said.I sat up and looked at my alarm clock."It's 5?I start classes at 9."I groaned.I turned my alarm clock off and lay back in bed.I didn't fall asleep,because I was already awake.I lay there for a while,when I heard a piano being played.'Who is that?'I looked out the window and saw,in the main building,a boy sitting at a grand piano.I quickly put on a jacket,some shoes and ran down to the boy.

I ran as fast as I could,and when I got there he finished the song.I clapped and the boy looked at me."That was amazing!"I said.He looked at me with a monotone expression and said,"Your the girl that was playing the violin yesterday,weren't you?"I nodded.He stood up from the piano and walked out the room saying,"You were pretty good."I looked at him walking away and said,"Th-Thanks."

When he left,I looked at the piano.'This reminds me so much of Jenny.'I walked over to it and placed my hand on top of the piano.'It's like I can still hear you playing it.'I chuckled a bit.I saw a violin leaning on the wall,so I picked it up."It's beautiful."

"I know."Someone said behind me.I turned around and saw a girl with goggles and a ponytail in the door way."I'm sorry.Is this your violin?"I said,handing her the violin.I heard her chuckle a bit,so I looked at her."No,it's not mine.It belongs to one of the old students that graduated here."she said.I sighed in relief,and placed the violin back where I found it."Your the kid that was playing the violin yesterday,right?"I nodded."Well,it's great to meet you.I'm Hanji.I have to say your playing was amazing."She thanked her and said,"I really have to go.I have to prepare for my first class."

I walked out the main building and sighed.I continued to walk to my dorm,when I heard a dog barking and screaming.I walked over to the noise and saw a dog barking at a girl with blonde hair."Christa!"I shouted.The girl looked at me with fear in her eyes.I ran to her and pulled her to the dorms.The dog stopped chasing us when we got in the building."Thanks for saving me back there."Christa said.I nodded in reply.

I walked to my room,and sat on my bed.'I should practice for tomorrow.'I took out my violin and played my favourite song. (The video)I finished playing and looked at the clock." It's 8:46?"I said,worried.I grabbed my violin and my phone and ran to the main building.I arrived in my room at 8:55."Thank god I'm not late!"I said to myself.I walked to a seat in the corner and looked out the window.

The teacher came in,in a few minutes and introduced herself."I'm miss Smith.I will be your teacher for the rest of the year."After that,she started class.I didn't really pay attention,because she was teaching stuff I already knew.'I wonder how it will go.'I looked at the teacher when she said,"Tomorrow the school will be having a competition held in the auditorium.The competitors will be very famous violinist.One of them being (Y/N) (L/N)."I stared at her shocked.'Oh god.What if they find out.'Just then,the bell rang.But before I could leave,Ms Smith said,"(Y/N),would you mind if I talked to you for a minute?"I shook my head and stood in the room."(Y/N),I wanted to ask if you would perform tomorrow.As the opening act.The school is asking very talented students to join."I stood silent for a while,then I said,"I'm sorry,but I won't be able to be an opening act."


"You see..I'm actually one of the people..one of the people in the competition.."


"Yes,you see my name is not actually (Y/N) Elric.My real name is (Y/N) (L/N)."Ms Smith looked at me shocked."Please don't tell anyone!"I said quickly."The principal knows this,and agrees to keep it a secret."Ms Smith nodded and let me go.

I walked to my room and sat on my bed.'Next class is in three hours.'I sighed and looked at my violin.'What should I do?'I grinned and picked up my violin.I ran to Ms Smith's office and knocked on the door."Ms Smith.It's (Y/N).I wanted to ask you something.She opened the door and said,"What is it?"

"Can I play my violin somewhere I won't bother anyone?"

"Okay.I'll take you somewhere not many people go to."I followed her to a small hill with a cherry blossom tree planted on the top."You can play here."Ms Smith said,and walked away.I put my violin on my shoulder,closed my eyes and started to play. (The video)

When I finished,I opened my eyes and put my violin on the ground.I sat next to it and lay my back onto the tree.'This is the first time in a while,I could play in peace.'I smiled and closed my eyes.I listened to the wind blow the leaves.

After a while,I opened my eyes and saw the same boy I saw this morning looking at me.His grey eyes staring into my soul."Hi,again."I said."Ms Smith asked me to get you."he said.I got up and followed him."Um..I never got your name.I'm (Y/N).You are?"

"Does it matter?"He said.I kept quiet for the rest of the time I followed him.He finally showed me to Ms Smith's office."There you go,brat."he said walking away."Who are you calling brat?"I said under my breath.

I knocked on the door,and Ms Smith came out."(Y/N),I wanted to ask you a favour.Could you be in the musical showcase on the 18th March?"I looked at her surprised and said,"I thought people don't do that kind of stuff in college."

"It's during Easter."

"Oh,ok.I guess I could join."

"Great!Now I have a violinist and a pianist!"she said clapping her hands together.

"What do you mean?"

"You'll fond out later.Meet me at the music room on the third floor at 4,okay?"I nodded and went to my next class.

~Timeskips brought to you by my laziness to write what happens next~

I walked up the stairs to the third floor when I heard a piano being played.'That must be the pianist Ms Smith was talking about.'I walked faster to the music room and opened the door.There,I saw Ms Smith and the same boy that I saw just a few hours ago."(Y/N),now that your finally here we can begin!"Ms Smith said.

Done!The next chapter will continue from here.Hope you like this chapter and the music.Just a disclaimer,I don't own any of the music.

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