T w e n t y - N i n e

532 29 27

It's been a month since I've arrived to England. I've never felt more happier. It's like I forgot my life back in America, here, I can be me, have a fresh start. Here I can live.

The boys have helped me settle myself in England. They've made sure I know about everything I could possible know about.

Dan made a small area in his music room where I could paint and draw. He brought everything I needed. Most of times we spend our time in that room, he plays and sings while I listen to his amazing voice and draw. When I don't feel like drawing, I sit next to him on the piano, my head leaning against shoulder, listening to him play.

"Dan I can't do it!" I exclaim, hitting the piano keys dramatically.

"Yes, you can love. Let me help you." He softly says, kissing my lips. He gently lifts my fingers on the correct keys and places them, causing them to make a sound. He guides me slowly through the tune, never letting go.

"You think you got it?" He asks, ending the last note. I slowly nod, running my fingers over the keys that I had just practiced. He smiles, nodding at me eagerly. He puts his arm around my waist, making me move closer to him.

"If you do this, you'll get a kiss from me." He whispers in my ear.

"And if I don't?" I smirk, whispering back.

"Then you won't get a kiss." He shrugs his shoulders. I pout at him and he shakes his head. I return my gaze to the piano, trying to remember every key.

I take a deep breath and place my fingers over the keys. I start to play, slowly as I try to switch my fingers. Dan hums along, guiding me through the song. He's teaching me how to play oblivion. I end up messing up causing me to give up completely.

"I'm useless at this." I huff, burying my face in Dan's chest. He runs his hand through my hair.

"No your not! You were amazing before you messed up. You just need practice!" He argued, intertwining our hands together.

"Does this mean I don't get the kiss?" I pout, staring into his beautiful blue eyes.

"Oh you do!" He winks, cupping my face. I close my eyes, feeling his touch.

Warmth spreads through me as he places his lips on mine. I tease him a little and pull his hair causing him to kiss me harder. I place my hand under his shirt, feeling his warm body against my cold hands. He shudders, feeling the impact of my hands. I smile through the kiss, making my hand travel upwards. He pulls away from the kiss and stops me.

"It's only me, don't be insecure, I love you, plus I've already seen you naked." I giggle at the end. He smiles, his eyes crinkling. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. I take that as a signal and take his shirt off.

"Your beautiful." I remind him, perking his lips. He opens his eyes, sadness filled in his eyes.

He's always been insecure about his body. No matter how many times I tell him he's perfect, it still looms over him. That's what being insecure does; it consumes you to the point you don't like yourself.

He kisses me passionately again. His arms tightly around my waist. He pulls away and stands up, taking my hand. He leads me to our room, making sure the door is locked.

"I love you." He says, pinning me on the bed, lust filled in his eyes.

That night was the best night ever.

"Love wake up, we need to go studio." Dan gently shakes me. I groan and switch sides facing away from him.

"I won't let you buy skittles if you don't get up." He threatens, I bolt right out bed, falling over and smacking my head against the bedside table.

"Shit." I whisper, rubbing my head. I look at myself and curse even louder.

"Shit! Daniel pass me the blanket you idiot." I shriek at a laughing Dan. I've fallen over. Completely naked.

"Not funny." I mutter, standing up, making sure I'm completely covered. I grab some clothes and make my way to the built in bathroom. I have a quick shower, feeling sore around that area. I do my makeup and exit the bathroom. Dan's sitting on the bed scrolling through his phone and eating a slice of toast.

"I've got breakfast." He says, I sit next to him, and he offers me a slice. I thankfully accept it and rest my head on his shoulder.

"You okay?" He asks, I shake my head.

"Sore." I simply reply. He nods his head and pulls me closer to him.

"Thank you for everything, I love you." He whispers, kissing my neck. I look up to him and smile. Then I burst out laughing.

"Daniel, you have a hickey!" I exclaim, turning his face to the other side.

"Really? Oh god." He frantically gets up and walks over to the mirror.

"Shit." He mutters, inspecting the red area.

I get up too and grab my foundation from the dressing table.

"Sit down I'm here to help." I drag him to the bed and make him sit down. I begin to layer the hickey with foundation until it's barely noticeable.

"Done, just don't touch your neck." I warn, kissing him. He nods, wearing a jacket to cover it up.

Hand in hand we walk down the street to the studio. Everything seems fine at first but then I see him.

My heart stops as he takes out a gun.

He aims it towards me and shoots.

I fall to the floor, my eyes barely registering what has happened.

I see Dan shouting and shaking me.

But it's too late.

Darkness consumes me.



Bit meh ending to the chapter but it goes downhill from now whoops

Shattered - |d.s|Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant