T h i r t y

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The heart monitor beeps, making my stomach turn. I want to open my eyes but I can't, I hear whispers around the room but no matter how hard I try to listen, it all sounds so foreign to me. I hear the creaking door open, causing my thoughts to vanish. Everything becomes quite, too quite.

"If she doesn't wake up soon, I'm afraid she will slip into coma."

Coma. But I am awake. I try to scream, move my toes, do anything but its no use. I feel like I'm trapped and I can't escape, I can't do anything.

"Please love, please wake up. I'll do anything, I promise you. I need you, god I need you so much. Please Ellie, don't leave me. I love you." His voice cracks. I instantly recognize his soft, gorgeous voice.

I try to find my strength. Memories of my life flash before me, the times where I would cuddle with him, the time he would surprise me. Memories of when I first fell for him, his touch, his scent, his voice, his everything, comes rushing back to me looping around in my brain. I remember the time when I felt I wasn't good enough,when I didn't want to live, he was always there to remind me why I should live, why life is beautiful. He showed me the reasons to stay, to stay alive. He was there when I needed him, he was there to help me, fix me, love me. He was there to teach me that their is good in this world, there is someone there who will love you for who you are. Someone who would accept your flaws, someone who would save you. It was him.

A burst of energy rushes through my veins, I feel myself literally on fire. I ignore the pain and focus on one thing. Him. Its not long before I wake up, I remind myself, while I battle with my body, ignoring every thing that's trying to stop me.

It gets too much, the pain more intense than ever. I hear the machine beeping more loudly more quicker. I'm close to giving up but then a miracle happens.

I open my eyes.

It takes me a few minutes to adjust to the light. But slowly, my eyes receives my surroundings and I can see. The doctor looks straight at me and I look straight at him. I blink my eyes and he starts to write on his clipboard. I feel a squeeze on my hand and I slowly look sideways and I see him.

I see my hero. Dan.

He looks like a mess. Literally like hell. His eyes are blood shot from crying, his hair is all messy and standing up on his head. He looks like as if he hasn't slept for weeks.

"Ellie, your awake! I love you, thank you." he chokes out, fresh tears pouring from his beautiful face. I match his stare, feeing the tears that want to run down my face. I stare right into his blue hue eyes, eyes that are filled with relief, hope but most of all; love

The doctor and Dan helps me up so I'm are sitting upwards. Pain shoots up from my legs causing my entire body to be throbbing with pain. I shut my eyes as tightly as i can, wishing for the pain to disappear. However it doesn't. How could it? I was shot with a gun.

Dan passes me water to drink. I gulp down the water, the cold liquid down my throats, instantly making me feel much better and more awake.

I open my mouth to speak but it's useless. I try to form words, form anything but nothing comes out. I look up to the doctor and he still continues to scribble on his notepad.

"Miss Simmons, please relax. You will gradually be able to move around, talk and all the other things. For now, the nurse is going to bring you some painkillers to help cope with the pain." I nod my head, the only thing I can seem to do.

The nurse comes with the painkillers and I take them, gulping more water. I lay my head back down and the doctor shuffles out of the room. Dan follows behind after he's giving me a kiss on the forehead.

Kyle walks through the doors and practically runs to my side.

"Ellie, fuck your awake." he yells, giving me a awkward hug. I pat his back feeling the tears starting to sting because of my brothers hug.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there." he whispers, his voice filled with raw emotion. He pulls away and sits on the bed, his hand clasped around my hand.

"You look paler than me." he chuckles, wiping the tears away. Between me and Kyle, I was always the pale one. He brings his hands to my face and wipes the tears away.

"I miss you El's" He mumbles, giving my forehead a quick kiss. I raise my eyebrows trying to ask him how long I was out for. As if he could understand he nodded his head.

"You were out for 2 weeks." He states, squeezing my hand.

Two weeks. Fourteen days. Three hundred and thirty six hours.


Okay first of all I'm sorry if this is rubbish, please bare in mind I haven't wrote for 2-3 months.

Also I'm back so hello, how are you?

I'm probably going to change the cover and I promise this book will be finished by the end of this summer break.

Thank you for reading, I love you. x

Shattered - |d.s|Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon