I'm Happy

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Almost three months pass before Daphne sends Josh the letter that his application was accepted and she will send news once the kids are on their way to America. Josh can hardly contain his excitement, he finds a big, cozy house on the outskirts of the city and he moves in. He buys all sorts of stuff for the kids and decorates and paints their rooms. His mom Laura and his brother Jordan come into town when Daphne finally says the kids are going to be in Columbus in two weeks.

Those weeks pass and finally Josh is waiting anxiously by the airport arrivals terminal. A flight attendant brings the kids over and already Peizhi runs into his arms and hugs him. This is what he was meant to do and he knows it. He just wishes it was being done with Tyler.

A year later he goes back to Tyler's grave on his birthday. He brings a letter which he puts on the ground. He starts reading it quietly with a shaking voice. 

"Hi Ty, I'm sorry it's been so long. But I think I'm finally doing what you wanted. I'm happy."

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