Chapter 1: Where it all began

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TWEET Tweet! The birds are singing out of my window. Ugh I wish they could just die already. They wake me up every morning. I look out my window and dads truck is gone. As usual.

Me and my dad have a secret. He wasn't supposed to tell me or anyone for that matter. But he told me anyways. My dad works at Area 51. Yes, is real it's just the government still denies it.. I lost my train of thought. I looked at the time and it was 8:30 already! Ughh I forgot school existed. I went over to my closet and picked out the outfit I had planned the day before.

"DANI! Breakfast is ready!!!" My name isn't actually Dani. It's Danielle but everyone calls me Dani. "Coming mom!" I got dressed quickly and ran downstairs to get breakfast. "Don't you have that shooting test today?" My mother asks in attempt to start conversation. Oh yeah! I think I forgot to mention that I went to a military school. Not anything like a camp. A school. We learn useful things there along with the normal curriculum.

"Oh uh.. yeah I guess we do." Once I'm done my waffles I grab by bag and head outside where I come across my dog, Sumatran. I know, I know. It's a weird name but, we thought he resembled a small tiger so we decided to name him Sumatran. After the Sumatran tiger, the smallest sub-species of tigers. I really like tigers, so that's why I know so much about them. "Bye Sumatran." I say while petting the golden retriever. 

I walk down to the end of the street to see my best friend Mason waiting for me. "Hey Dani." Mason says. For a 16 year old I consider myself tall. Almost 6'.  But Mason still has about a foot on me. "Hey! Where's Serenity?" Serenity is my other best friend, and Masons sister. "Oh uh she's with.... Bella" I sigh. "I don't get why she hangs out with her!! She's rude and will do anything she has to to get her way. I don't get how she's surviving military school."

SCREECH. The bus arrives to take us to school. Then me and Mason go out separate ways. The bus for our school is double-decker and my other friend, Alex always sits on the top. Mason goes with his other friends on the bottom. "Hey Alex." I say as I get up to the top of the bus. "Dani! I have to show you something important!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2017 ⏰

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