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You try to ignore any troubling thoughts and shuffle through your fridge. After a fairly uneventful series of events, the highlight being slight dissatisfaction at the symmetry of the lettuce, a sandwich is made.

You lay back on the couch and look up at the gray ceiling, completely disregarding choking safety. You slowly gnaw on a tomato as you close your eyes.

You bought this place without much concern for looks and you'd much prefer the backs of your eyelids. Your, er, roommate was pretty strapped for cash when you both moved in and could never live anywhere more luxurious than this. That is, not without the impossible task of him accepting the charity of others. He didn't notice the creaks from the floor or the stains on the walls, though; to him, it was paradise.

Speaking of... he might be able to give you some fairly sound advice on this whole Evelyn ordeal. You stuff the last of the BLT into your mouth and take out your phone.

"Listen, I need your thoughts on something."

"...Do you really?"

"Come on. You owe me, right? Like for that job interview?"

"No, I don't. And anyway, didn't you used to open your phone calls differently?"

"Huh? No that was... oh no. It happened again."

"I thought so. I just didn't want to believe it."

"Then what happened to Beta? Did he just..."

"Congratulations on your new position."

"And now I have to deal with you?"

"We're not so bad."

"Oh god. Now I know what it feels like, I suppose. Why'd it have to be me?"

"Couldn't be anyone else, my friend."

 It... it's difficult for you to wrap your head around. You had become Beta. Colliding feelings bounce around in your head. When had you made the wrong turn? And now you'd have to talk to Alpha of all people. Just the thought of it... the thought of it... Well. He's not that bad, you suppose. Sure, he can be a bit- Wait. Oh no. It was happening. You try to stay, er, positive.   

"You should know what I'm talking about then?"

"'Fraid not. She just ran away."

You sigh.

"Guess I'll call you back?"

"Guess you will."

It seems you'd obtained a new roommate. Or the same one all along. Your memories started to muddle; Every Alpha's and Beta's mind poured into the steaming mess that is you. You'd long since gave up figuring out what paths led you to become the Beta. None of the Alphas had ever even thought about it.

There wasn't much reason to these things. To the paths crossing or to life. You guess you should just forget about it.

You do remember promising to visit someone. Your co-worker didn't tell you anything except that it was urgent and you couldn't come before noon. It is 1:07.

2B - Visit a friend. 

On Your OwnTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang