I've Cursed You

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Look Everyone it's Alaska in real life. Don't worry though. The mom got her kid back.

"You're coming with me!"
"What!?" Alaskan Territory yelled at America as his stomach went in knots. America looked at him with a huge grin. Alfred had just announced that Alaskan Territory would be coming with him to a party. Not just any party though; it was the party were the nations were celebrating the end of WWII.
"But why!? I'm not a country. Wait a minute..." Alaska Territory stopped himself and started laughing. "Your trying to show me off to piss off Russia!" America scratched the back of his neck a little embarrassed as Alaskan Territory continued to laugh.
"He doesn't care about me! He probably forgot I even exist!" America blushed a little as his territory continued to laugh.
"Either way bear cub," America said simply,"you're coming with me." Alaskan Territory lightly smiled up at his papa.
"Fine," Alaskan Territory laughed defeated,"don't say I didn't warn you."
"You let Russia WHAT!?" America flinched as Canada stood before him. The usually quiet man pacing back in forth in front of America's bed.
"I didn't let Russia..."
"You should have known what he was there to do! That he wasn't going to take no for answer this time!" Canada yelled as he stopped walking. He glared over at the American. This idiot!
"So are you going to help me or not?" Canada blinked at his brother's question. His expression softened and he took a deep breath.
"You honestly think I'm going to let my nephew stay with Russia! Besides I really don't want a land border with him." Canada shivered slightly,"n-no thank you."
America smiled at his brother. "Alright! Now we are in business! All we have to do now is..." America's face paled drastically and he coughed deeply. Canada rushed over to him.
"We are doing nothing until you are fully healed!"
"America!" Canada hissed at his crazy brother,"you will only get Alaska in an even worse situation if you go there this wounded!" America glared at the Canadian lightly, but knew that he was right.
"We need to get the message to Alaska though that we are coming. If he looses hope,..."
"No!" America yelled which made him spit up blood a little,"Alaska is a survivor and extremely loyal. But...."
"But what?" Canada asked looking extremely concerned at his brother.
"If loses hope, Russia will be able to to convince him that he cares about him," America stated holding his acheing stomach,"Alaska will want to stay. I-I can't live with him being manipulated by that communist bastard again!"
"Canada!" America yelled again,"you don't get it! You haven't seen the scars he left on him! It took me almost half a century to get Alaska to show me them..." America hid his face in his hands. God, I'm such a horrible father. He thought.For now all I can do is hope and pray. My bear cub... be safe.
Russia stuck his head into Alaska's room. Midnight had passed sometime ago and the whole house was quiet. The large nation smiled upon seeing Alaska out cold. He sat on the bed and slowly took Alaska's hair tie out. Russia slid his hand lightly through Alaska's long hair.
On some level, even Russia knew what he was doing was odd. He didn't care though. This had been the first time he could touch Alaska without him fighting or trying to run off.
"Why aren't you asleep cub?" Russian America flinched and then looked up fearfully at Russia. Russia only smiled at him before sitting next to him. They were in the library in the dead of night. Using the light of the moon, Russian America was reading.
"Pietr." Russia said his colony's name laced with warning. Russian America shook a little before summing up the courage to talk.
"I can't." He whispered as he looked up at the huge empire,"I can't sleep."
"Why not?" Russia asked picking up his colony and setting him in his lap. Russian America became very ridged before relaxing at little.
"I don't like it when he's here..." Russian America said bitterly as he turned to look out the window. A fierce winter storm controlled the world outside. Russia nodded in agreement, but still didn't understand why the boy couldn't sleep. General Winter visited his colony as much as he visited Russia.
A very sad look flashed in the boy's eyes and it didn't take long for Russia to recognize the look. He had the exact same longing look when Mongolia had taken him from Kievan Rus'.
"You miss him don't you?" Russian America began to shake. He was afraid Russia would get angry at him for missing his birth father, Inuit. Russian America had begged to be taken back home, back to his Aapa Inuit, for weeks after Russia took him. After a few nights in the basement, the colony had learned to keep his mouth shut.
Russia looked a bit regretful for a moment. But just hugged his little one close to him. One of the upsides to them having similar climates was Russian America never thought he was cold. The little colony, desperate for comfort, cuddled into Russia's chest.
"Papa?" Alaska muttered half awake. Russia shook his head banishing the memory; he looked at the state with a soft smile.
"Da," Russia answered as Alaska opened his eyes half way. Russia could tell Alaska was still very much asleep or he world have been telling Russia to get out of his room.
"Please don't leave me," Alaska whispered sadly as he reached out his hand and rested his palm on Russia's cheek.
"Why медвежонок (bear cub)?" Russia asked and held the state's hand.
"Everyone always leaves me. Aapa and Mother Russia.... promise you won't leave me papa." Russia bit his lip so that he wouldn't say or do something to wake Alaska up. Knowing just how much Alaska cared for America, made Russia beyond angry. Besides, he was Alaska's papa, not America. Not now. And never again.
"I promise," Russia whispered and Alaska went completely back to sleep.
"You are mine. I am your papa." Russia stated angrily as he rested Alaska's hand back at the state's side.
"Because I've cursed you. We are both terrified of being alone."

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