I'm Coming

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Why? Why did I agree to this? Lithuania asked himself silently as he stood in front of Russia's house. He twisted the letter in his hand. Why am I doing this?
"Please," America begged from his bed,"he needs to know I'm coming to save him." Lithuania shut his eyes. This was crazy and suicidal.
"Lithuania," America said sternly,"you know how easy it is to loose hope when under him. All you have to do is give the letter to Alaska. I know you have snuck things in and out before."
"America," Lithuania said shakily,"I..."
"You remember how Russia treated him don't you?" Lithuania felt sick to his stomach. He remembered all to well. First Russia had been manipulative and abusive to Russian America. Then he became manipulative and neglectful. Lithuania could still remember hearing Alaska's pleas and screams from the basement.
"I'll," Lithuania gulped before continuing,"I'll do it." America smiled as he handed the brunette nation the letter.
"Thank you."
Lithuania rang the door bell and his whole body stiffened. What if he got caught? It would not end well for him that was for sure. Still, Alaska did not belong here. And if there was a way to get the state out while avoiding WW3, it would be worth it.
"Lithuania?" Crimea asked as he opened the door for the Baltic country. Toris smiled as he entered the far to familiar house.
"I just need to talk to Russia about something really important. Is he here?" Lithuania said as Crimea watched him curiously.
"Yes," Crimea said,"he's in his office. I was just about to refill his vodka supplies in there." Lithuania nodded, knowing that Russia usually did paperwork while drinking. Toris never really blamed him when for years the paperwork talked about his own people's deaths as worthless and simply numbers.
"Would you like some help?" Crimea gave the country a surprised look before a thankful grin appeared.
"Really!? That would mean a lot! I have to work so much to keep this house clean and then now I have to keep an eye on..." Crimea cut himself off quickly and looked all around him.
"So Alaska really is here," Lithuania whispered and the other personification's face paled. Lithuania had almost hoped that America was somehow mistaken, but now there was no getting around it. Crimea nodded though and walked with Lithuania to the kitchen.
"He's rather obedient actually. He even helps with chores sometimes which has been nice. Mr. Russia just seems to want to smoother him. It also doesn't help that the kid wants absolutely nothing to do with him." Lithuania shivered as he watched Crimea put a sandwich and some water on a tray. Then he went and got a bag of vodka bottles from the pantry.
"I could go give Alaska his food if you want?" Lithuania asked and prayed Crimea would say yes. The other personification looked at him disappointed and confused.
"Don't you have to go talk to Russia though?" Lithuania suppressed a gulp.
"He's more likely to listen to me if he has his vodka." Lithuania answered simply which was very true. Crimea groaned, but nodded.
"He's in his room. Which Russia says was his room way back when so you should know where it is." Crimea said as he picked up the bag and Lithuania grabbed the tray. They walked side by side through the house until they came to where Toris would have to head upstairs and not Crimea.
"Oh I almost I forgot," Crimea said as he put a cigaret and a lighter on the tray. Lithuania looked at the other a bit confused for a moment.
"Mr. Russia and the state are more alike then you would think. Since he took weed from the kid, he's uses alcohol and nicotine as a way to keep him in line." Lithuania only nodded as he took the tray up. Once put of sight from Crimea, Toris felt his whole body begin to shake. This was almost to easy. What if I gets caught!?
Lithuania took a deep breath and continued forward. There was no getting out of this now and he made a promise.
Finally, Toris knocked on the wooden door to Alaska's room, but no sound came from it. Lithuania took a another deep breath. Almost done.
"Yurik," Lithuania whispered,"its me Lithuania." Before another word was uttered, Alaska swung open the door. His bluish purple eyes gleamed with joy at the sight of Baltic nation. Alaska quickly looked around to make sure no one saw before pulling the Lithuanian in and slamming the door.
"Are you here to get me out!?" Alaska asked in complete and utter joy. He was finally going to leave this hell. But his hopes shattered as Lithuania stared sadly at the floor for a moment.
"No," Lithuania began before putting the letter into Alaska's hand,"but America sent me to give you some hope." Alaska ripped open the letter instantly and quickly read the contents. He than took the lighter and letter to the bathroom. Lithuania followed curiously as he watched Alaska light the letter on fire. The state waited till it was almost completely ashes before dumping the remains into the toilet and  flushing it away.
"Thank you," Alaska said as he turned to look at the brunette again. A childish smile and hopeful eyes met Lithuania. The country could only return the smile as Alaska went over and lit his cigarette.
Lithuania quickly took his leave then to Russia's office. He did have something to talk to the larger country about so he wouldn't suspect anything, hopefully.
Alaska blew a puff of smoke into the air as he slid the lighter in his coat pocket. It felt good to have something in there; Russia had literally taken everything from him when he had been out cold.
I'm coming. Don't let the damn communist tell you otherwise. I'll be there to get you in three days unless the Ruski returns you which I highly doubt. I will drag the world into world war 3 if I means getting you back.
Remember you are Yurik Jones, the state of Alaska, part of me. You will never be Piotr Braginsky or part of Russia ever again. I swear.
Love, your papa, America
P.S. Destroy this letter and never lose hope, bear cub
Alaska smiled again and again as he thought of his letter and smoked; his whole body now completely relaxed which hadn't happened since before Russia took him. He closed his eyes and let himself fall back first onto the bed. He could do this. Yurik Jones could survive three more day. Just three more days.

Bear CubOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora