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Stop lingering in my head

Your name is the one I dread

It's been so long

yet my tears still fall

Every night because of your withdrawal

I hear you in my head

I remember our love

Will you be gone when I'm dead

Why do you still cause my pain

Why do you still linger in my brain

I want you out

I want you gone

It's been so long

I want to refresh

I want to restart

I'm tired of my heart

Being broken by your faults

Please let me go

I don't know how you can be so low

It didn't come in a big crash

It's coming in slow waves

One by one I continue to fall

I can't help but continue to bawl

My love for you was real

And now the deal is sealed

How do I make this pain stop

I still continue to drop

No one knows

I've been hiding it so low

For if anyone found out

They'd leave me as a drought

Someone tell me why you still cause me pain

Get out of my Brain

I will not be this weak

But yet your pain still reeks 

Words of OblivionWhere stories live. Discover now