Chapter 1

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My alarm sounded off, I jumped out of bed to get ready for the first day of my last year of high school. I wanted to wear a cute ,cozy outfit and look really good. I couldn't wait  to go to school to see all my friends even tho I saw them on the whole summer break.But the bad part of school is the learning for hours and the piled homework I get every day. Most of the teachers is really striked, so that is going to ruin my last year of school. Great, I wish school was like a place that you get to spend the whole day with your friends and do a lot of fun things like watching movies on netflix with a huge tv screen, making sundae or milkshakes and all the fun things you do with your friends. Oh and how could I forget the best thing to do with your friends is of course shopping. Anyways, I finished getting ready and went down to eat breakfast. I had milk and cereal because I was to lazy to do eggs or pancakes. Then , my friend Avery called me to see if I wanted a ride to school because she is driving Chelsey, Breianna, Mataya and Chloe. "I said sure" bc I was to lazy to walk there.When she came I jumped in the car and she drove us to school. "Thanks" we all said. "Np "Avery said. When we got school I want to see what locker was mine and see what room a have a class in. I went to see my locker and just when I was about to reach I bumped in a really cute guy. "I I'm so sorry". "It's ok"he said with a manly voice. My name is Jake what is yours. "I'm Bella". "Cool name "Jake said. "Thanks "I said. "Well I need to go to football practice see u around". Ok see ya I said. The moment I saw him I fell in love.
Hi my name is Lareina and I am the author of this book.I hope u loved it.❤️❤️❤️

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