Chapter 2

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Chapter two
All the sudden the bell rings. I had to go to stupid math class. In math we did fractions, it was so boring and confusing but all I could think of  was Jake. Then I had to go to my next class but I decided to ditch. Instead I went outside and sat on a bench waiting for it to be lunch so I could tell my besties about Jake. It was taking forever to be lunch so I texted  my friends  on our  group chat "Guys ditch class and come outside, I need to tell you something important" . They all texted back "k". "Hey what did you want to tell us"said Chelsey. "Ok guys sit down, I wanted to tell you  that I met a guy and I think I like him". "Ok well what's his name "said Avery. "His name is Jake" I said "So... "said Chloe. "So I need your help to get close to him and see if he likes me". "Ok count me in", said Avery,"me too", said Chelsey. "Fine count me in",said Chloe."You oh  us for making us ditch class" they all said,"fine but its like you wanted to stay in class "I said."True but whatever" they said.(bell rings)"finally it's lunchtime I'm starving "Avery said. So we could went to line up to buy our food. When we got our food we went to find a seat, Guys why don't we sit there said Chloe Sure me, Avery and Chelsey said. All the sudden Jake and his friends came and said "can we sit with you guys "I said sure why not while blushing. Jake sat beside me and his friends sat beside my friends. "Hey can I have your number so I could text you Jake  said". Sure, so I gave him my number and he gave me his.Me and  Jake started  blushing my friends and his friends  started to laugh at us.I was kind of embarrassed but the good thing is that I think he likes me too.I was so happy! The bell rings and Jake left with his friends and I left with my friends it was kind of awkward.(One of Jake's friends told him) "Hey Jake I know you are starting to like that girl u should definitely ask her out "said his friend,"k fine I will tell her to come to ur football game after school ". (back to me)Anyways I had to go to class  and like four more class, finally it was the end of the day Jake texted me" hey u and ur friends should come to our football game after school","K" I texted back. " Guys Jake texted me that we should go to his football game " I told my friends, "yeah "they said "ok then ". We went to the football field and I waved to Jake and he waved back with a big smile on his face . "I wish our school wins" I say in my head."Guy I am going to get food do u want anything". Said Mataya. "I am fine" we all say.
If you want to know who will win and see what will happen next then you  will have to wait for my next chapter.  Sorry I haven't post in so long but I hope you enjoyed my second chapter!!! 💖💖💖

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