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"These eggs are really good, Mom." I say with a full mouth.

"Thank you dear, but don't eat with your mouth full." My Mother replies, sitting down at the table with the rest of the family.

"Are you both ready for school?" My Father asks, looking at Me and Jonathan, my little brother.

"Yes, sir." We say in unisons.

"Okay, when you're done eating go ahead and walk to school." My Mother says.

"Will do Mom." Jonathan says before getting up and going to the door.

"Wait for me!" I shout, hurrying to finish my eggs and going to the door.

"Bye, have a nice day." My Father says as we close the door.

"Ready for school?" I ask my brother as he texts his friends.

"Huh? Oh yeah." He responds absent minded.

"You spent too much time on that damn phone." I give him a light push.

"You're just upset because you have nobody to text."

He's right, I don't have many friends. But that's alright, I'm top of my class. I'm going to graduate soon and I've already been accepted into a few colleges with enough scholarships so that my parents won't have to pay a single penny.

There's a deafening crash. Jonathan and I both turn around to see smoke rising from the city. We watch as another explosion happens, knocking down buildings.

We sprint back home and see our parents, along with many of our neighbors in the street.

"Are you guys okay?" My Mother asks as another crash happens, but this time from far away.

"Yes, but what's happening?" I ask in panic.

"I don't know, go inside." Our Father shouts at us and we obey.

Once we get inside Jonathan looks out the window at our parents as I turn the news on.

"We're getting reports that there have been multiple nuclear attacks in the Canada, and the United States." The newscaster reports. "At this time we are unsure of who is attacking but we are doing everything in our power to figure it out. Stay tuned for more updates."

"Dylan look!" Jonathan yells pointing at the window. I run over and see entire buildings beginning to fall.

Just then, a car plows into my parents.

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