An Attack and a Death

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Dylan looks over at Charlotte, watching her sleep.

I can't believe it's been 4 years since we met. Dylan thinks to herself. I'm glad I met her, gave me a purpose.

There's a knock on the door and it opens. A man stands there with 2 trays of food in his hands.

"Here's your food." The man says as he sets the trays down on the floor.

"Hey, do you have any idea of what they're going to do to us?" Dylan asks before the man gets a chance to leave.

"We took a vote and it looks like you're both going to be executed." The man responds.

"Any idea when?"

"It'll likely be latter today."


The man leaves and Dylan pulls the trays to her. Trying to think of a way out of this town.

Charlotte slowly wakes up and starts to eat the shitty food.

"So what's going to happen?" Charlotte asks as she eats her food.

"They said we're going to be executed." Dylan eats the stale bread.

"Any ideas to get out?" Charlotte asks as she drinks the cup of water.

"I'm trying to think of one."


"Let's go." One of the men say as they usher the girls out of the room, guns ready to fire.

The girls get up and walk out of the room. The sun stings their eyes.

"Up to the stage." The men say as the push the girls towards stairs leading to a platform.

Charlotte starts crying uncontrollably.

The girls walk up the steps, facing a crowd of people who watch them with anticipation.

"Please sit down in the chairs." The man says. Dylan and Charlotte sit in the wooden chairs. A few other people walk up behind them.

"We, as a group, have decided that the best punishment for killing one of our own is execution." A woman says.

There's a little bit of talking in the crowd of people.

"Do you have any last words?" A man asks as he places a handgun to Dylan's head.

"Just do it." Dylan says with tears rolling down her face.

"Please don't do this." Charlotte begs in between sobs.

"It'll be okay Charlotte." Dylan says, just before the man pulls the trigger. The bullet flies through Dylan's head. Her body goes limp and Charlotte screams.

"You bastard! I'll kill you!" Charlotte yells, she tries to get out of the chair but somebody holds her down.

"Sorry, you won't get the chance." The man puts the gun to the back of Charlotte's head. "Any last words?"

Just before Charlotte speaks, a massive gas canister falls in the town, a green gas instantly starts to leak out.

The people who were right in the gas started scratching at their skin as it peeled away and began to bleed.

People screamed and ran away as the gas tore at their flesh.

Charlotte quickly stands up and punches the man that killed Dylan. He goes down and drops his gun. Charlotte picks it up and shoots him in the stomach.

"You are going to suffer." Charlotte stays before she runs away from the gas. She reaches the fence and she tries to find a way over it.

The sees a ladder leaning against a building, she runs over and leans it against the fence.

Charlotte jumps down outside the fence and runs like her life depends on it, because it does.

"I am so sorry Dylan." She cries to herself as she runs into a forest.

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