The Kiss chapter one

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Betty's POV

I pulled out my history homework and started on the first question, but before I could put my pencil to the paper I heard a tap on my window I turned my head and saw jughead, he must have gotten a ladder or something. I walked over and opened the window and he crawled in.
"Hey there Juliet", I smiled as he said that when he was in my room I closed the window.
"They're crazy, my parents are crazy" I say hoping he agrees with me.
"They're parents,they're all crazy" he sighs
"No but what if Polly is too, the way she was talking to me, the way she looked at me. And now all I can think maybe I'm crazy like they are". Jughead places his hand on my shoulder.
"Hey, we're all crazy" I smile and roll my eyes
"We're not our parents, we're not our families" I agree with what he's saying and nod.
"Also" he says, his voice sounds shaky kind of like he's nervous about something.
"What" I ask. Then he quickly puts his hands on my face and kisses me, it's a warm kiss, a soft kiss I felt as if we could stay there forever.
We pull away both smiling our foreheads pressed up against each-others.
"Wow, Jughead Jones, a good writer and an excellent kisser" we both laugh

--sorry for the short chapter guys, I just don't know an ending for this chapter. But I hoped you liked it I used the script form 1x06, I did change things up a bit though. I'm deciding not to add the bit about Polly and the car and stuff bc I want this fanfic to be Bughead centred, and not just a written version of the show. Anyways I really hope you guys liked this chapter please leave suggestions in the comments--

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