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Hey guys! This is my first story here on Wattpad and I hope you enjoy it! Comment what I need to/ could improve on to make my writings better! It would be much appreciated!

Diablos Kreon's POV:

I stood up and slammed my hands on the table. "All of you are being irrational! You can't just send them off to unknown territory without warning! I'm telling you to-"

"That's enough, Sir Kreon," the council leader silences me.

As part of the Demon Lord Council, I have to keep my thoughts to myself often, but in this particular case, I couldn't, for it involved me. I, along with 3 others were being sent to the human realm for five years. I fear a war will arise and cause the extinction of our species. Kora, the council leader, tells me there is nothing to worry about since we have been paired together. . . with a rival species. The exact reason I fear war . . . . Sighing, I sit down and let the others speak their minds while I think about the situation.

". . . I- I think we should-" a small girl 5 rows down from me speak out softly.

"Go on, Annabeth" I say hoping to encourage the young female as I am suddenly now interested in the topic of discussion. She breathes in and stands up.

"Why pair us with a rival species when we'll end up killing each other? You should make wiser decisions, Lord Kora."

Annabeth Everard's POV:

"You ought to think of what you're saying, little one. Now, sit down and be quiet or I'll expell you from the council as well as tell your father to harm you," the council leader tells me. He watches my eyes widen with fear as the rest of the council laughs hysterically. However, I noticed that Diablos had not done so. His eyes were red with hatred and anger. "Or shall we speak about your mother's death. You have our full attention now, Miss Quinn." Lord Kora continues. I felt my heart sink and my cheeks become heated with hot tears and a deep rose colour.

"How about you shut your arse up, brother." I hear Diablos spit out with venom. I saw Kora's head snap to the left as the room suddenly felt colder and fell silent. All eyes were now on the two men. Kora stood up with shock written all over his facial expression. Was it possible for the room to become even more silent?

"What was that you mere peasant?" Kora inquired. "I believe I heard the word 'brother.' Is that correct, Kreon?"

"Why don't you shut arse mouth up, brother" Diablos repeated with more remorse and venom in his husky voice. He was about to add on to his previous response when suddenly the stained glass window behind Kora shattered. I saw an arrow that reeked of poison head towards me. Everything was moving in slow motion. I was paralyzed, unable to move anything but my wee little head. Slowly turning it, I looked at Diablos. He lunged forward, reaching for the arrow. But he was too slow. The arrow had reached its target, me. On impact, I immediately toppled over. My breathing slowed, my eyes half open and the purple colour quickly fading to grey.

Diablos jumped down to where I was and quickly took hold of my small body. Others stood around, shocked with fear and intimidation. I didn't know what was going on. Surely I couldn't die here. It took more than an arrow to kill a demon. Apparently, I was completely wrong. With Diablos supporting my head, he kept his gaze on my eyes, seeing if I would survive. I reached my hand up to his cheek. "Is this the end...? Will there be no more suffering of abuse...?" I asked before my hand fell to my side, and my eyes closed. He began to shake my body immediately, his words ringing in my ears as I slipped away into the darkness.

"Someone! Get a physician! She'll die if we don't hurry!" he yelled out.

"Worrying about your betrothed now, brother? You never cared for her before since your arrangement with her." Kora replies smugly.

"Shut the hell up Kora! I don't need you in my life anymore! You make it a living hell!" He spits out with hatred.

The quiet whispers around the room silenced as they heard the brothers spar. If only they knew I was alive...


Thank you guys so much for reading the prologue of From Roses To Ruins! -Luna Rose Nightwing.

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