Chapter One- Bloodlust

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Hallo everyone! I was finally able to update this story. I rewrote this story from a different perspective and hope those who previously read will still enjoy it! Anyway, without further ado, From Roses To Ruins- Chapter one! ~Luna Nightwing


*FLASHBACK* Pain coursed its way through her body as her feet stung with each step she took. Wearily making her way through the forest, Safiya found it hard to ignore the throbbing of her legs as they were slowly becoming numb. The orange illumination of the sun faded behind the charred trees and mountainous terrain of the dense forest, casting shadows and silhouettes on the damp ground. Safiya's once bouncy blue curls that fell just above her hips were now matted and tangled. Her head ached as she leaned against the trunk of a tree. She relaxed until she heard the thunderous echoes of soldiers feet stepping on fallen branches, breaking them in two. Her heart began to rattle and pound against her chest as fear rushed through her veins. The footsteps became louder and closer as Safiya bolted through the forest, weaving between trees. The last sliver of light disappeared just as she exited the forest. The pounding of her heart subsided shortly after she began walking at a normal pace. Safiya knew the soldiers were forbidden to leave their territory of the Charred Forest, so she was safe. Looking down at the small bump of her belly, she worried about Nero Freya, the father of the two children growing inside her. Safiya desperately needed to know that Nero was alive. Hr had promised his wife would not be alone when they were born, that their children would not live the restrictive lives they did.  Athena Iris and Beoris Odin their names were to be, fraternal twins Nero intended to raise with Safiya by his side. *END FLASHBACK*

Safiya jolted awake as her nightmare finally ended. She stirred from Nero's iron grip as she sat up and placed a hand on her now 6 month bump.  "N-Nero..." Safiya spoke softly to her sleeping husband, gently nudging him awake. He simply groaned in response and pulled Safiya back down before nuzzling her neck.  Nero kissed the side of it gently as he played with her hair.
"Shh...go back to sleep Saf...I'm here..." Nero whispered lovingly.  Safiya had never been more terrified than she was right now. After endless hours of failing to fall back into her slumber, she once again stirred from Nero's grip. This time, Nero didn't wake and Safiya made her way slowly to the small den she used as a library. She heard a shuffling noise behind her as she walked . Grabbing the small pen knifr she kept on top of a large bookcase, she turned around to find her attacker looming over her. The unknown figure pressed Safiya's back to the wall, disarming her of the knife.

"I know who you dear Safiya...and now I've found you. Those children were supposed to be mine!" The figure growled into her ear. Safiya whimpered a bit and felt her eyes begin to well with tears as she realized who the attacker was: Syrrith Bloodlust.

She couldn't yell for Nero as she would be killed. Her unborn son and daughter were at stake, and Safiya had to think quick. Her only chance at letting her children survive was to obey and do what Syrrith wanted. 

"You wil come with me, and I will kill those demons inside of you my dear Safiya...they eill be replaced with my spawn! Dragon hybrids!"

"She isn't going anywhere you pest. My wife will stay here even if it means I die." Safiya sighed in relief as she heard her husband while Syrrith growled.

"Fine! I'll just do this instead!" He yelled angrily and injected a needle into Safiya's side.  "If I can't kill those stupid demons, I'll make sure they come out tonight!" Syrrith exclaimed as he suddenly vanished.

Safiya felt the fluid from the syringe rush through her bloodstream furiously as she fell to her knees. "N-Nero...h-help..." shr whimpered. He immediately rushed to his wife's aid, holding her hand and lifting her up.

"Saf, we need to get you somewhere! Cooperate with me just this once for the sake of our children!" Nero pleaded with tears streaming down his cheeks.

"N-Nero...i c-can't...h-hold on for much...longer..." she hoarsly whispered as contractions began to hit Safiya intensely.  Gripping Nero's arm, she howled in immense pain and placed a hand on her belly. "" Safiya said softly before closing her eyes and falling into darkness.

"Safiya! Safiya! Baby please stay with me! I-I'm gonna make sure you're alright!" Nero frantically shouted while holding his wife in his arms, tears staining his rosy cheeks.  "Please baby...please be okay..." he whispered as he kissed the top of her head.

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