2. My Life

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Later that day Mrs.Turner told me that the police had told her that, A man was killed on the sidewalk and my parents were the only witness. They have to be kept under protection for a while.

“Abi, though your parents are the witnesses, their situation also puts you under danger. You have your own life to live, So your parents have decided that you will be sent to a far away boarding school. Your name will be Fiona Gray.”

I cut off, “But I don’t want to go anywhere, please just take me to my parents, I’ll just be with them”.

“That can’t happen I’m so sorry honey, but they might track them down through you, your parents have decided that this is the best for you…. And when I say this, believe me Abi, This was definitely the hardest thing they had to ever do. You will one day be with them again. I promise…so just wait for them to come back to you”.


Told me that the police had told her that, A man was killed on the sidewalk and my parents were the only witness. They have to be kept under protection for a while.

“Abi, though your parents are the witnesses, their situation also puts you under danger. You have your own life to live, So your parents have decided that you will be sent to a far away boarding school. Your name will be Fiona Hunter.”

I cut off,“But I don’t want to go anywhere, please just take me to my parents, I’ll just be with them”.

“That can’t happen I’m so sorry honey, but they might track them down through you, your parents have decided that this is the best for you…. And when I say this, belaive me abi, This was definitely the hardest thing they had to ever do. You will one day be with them again. I promise…so just wait for them to come back to you”.

By the next morning all my thing were packed and I was made to ride to the airport accompanied by one of the officers I had met yesterday.

I didn’t know where I was going, we changed our vehicle every few hours travelled through the woods for god knows how long.

Finally we reached a place surrounded by meadows and trees.

A white building was standing before me and a thin woman wearing a stern expression greeted us. I disliked her immediately. Oh, why do these things have to happen to me?

Out of millions of people, why me?

This is a question I still ask myself every night, and it is still unanswered.

I made friends with a girl named Raven Faye,  but my friendship lasted only for a year as I was relocated a year later…… and again ……and again….each year the pattern repeated.

I was moved to a new place, For My own God Damn Protection.

The only thing that always took my mind off things BOOKS, every time I read a book I was devoured. In all those books The Damsel In distress is rescued By Prince charming. It gave me hope, I dreamt that one day my very own savior will come for me, I will be reunited with my parents and I will have a normal life with him.

The books were my only reassurance. I’ll wait for things to get back to how everything was.

I’ll WAIT………….


PRESENT DAY:(6 years later)

I’m no longer the same kid, who believes in fairytales.

I’ve waited for six long years and now the wait is OVER.

I’m not a princess and my prince charming is so not gonna come for me.

I give up. It’s time to take matters into my own hands. I will no longer depend on anyone else by myself.

And no one will make my decisions for me.

I’ve decided, I’m gonna escape this place. I’ll sneak out at midnight today and will run as far as can. I’m gonna find my parents no matter what. I’ll find them and then I’ll find the person who endangers their lives.

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