4. Captured

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" Mom, when will the cake be ready?", I whined.

“Just a few more minutes honey”, my mom said.

My mom was baking a chocolate cake while dad and I were watching a match and whining about how long it was taking for her to bake the cake.

“Hurry up mom, I’m starving”, I shouted back as I stuffed my mouth with popcorn.

“Aahhhh, help”, I heard my mom scream. My dad reached the kitchen first. I saw her frightened face and then saw the cause for her panic. And there it was, my mom’s worst nightmare, A cockroach, sitting comfortably on her shoulder.

I could never understand her aversion to those creatures, though she was pretty brave when it came to lizards which took the life out of me. Lizards are just too scary, and here I have my mom screaming her head off for a tiny cockroach.

My dad ,being the good guy he was, rushed to her aid while rolled on the floor laughing my brains out. Seriously the look on her face was priceless.

Owww….my head hurts. Oh, it was just a memory, nothing but a dream. I open my eyes to find myself in a completely dark room with no windows. Everything starts coming back….my escapee…the long run…the van…and then ……tears start to sting my eyes.

I realize that my hands and legs are bound to the railings the cot.

“HELLO! …. Somebody PLEASE!  HELP ME, he...”, my scream is cut off as the door creaks open and a huge man enters the room with the most nauseating smile I have ever seen.

My heart beats fast and I silently pray for him to not know how scared I really am.

“Who are you? What do you want?”, I ask him sounding as brave as I can.

“Oh, don’t worry honey, I don’t want anything from you. You see, My Boss, is really powerful. And powerful people tend to keep the matters concerning them a secret. But you see your Stupid parents had to encounter him on a bad, Bad day.”, he paused, taking a step towards me as I flinched involuntarily back into the bed.

He stopped and continued to speak. “Now, the only thing we can do is to kill them. We have been searching for them for such a long time. But this psycho witness program had to interfere…. But never mind, Now that we have got you, that’s one problem is solved.”

“What do you want with me, I don’t know where they are and I don’t know what they saw either. So please, just let me go”, I pleaded.

“Oh, my dear girl, I know that you don’t know anything. We just need one thing from you. Once you do that you’re free to go. “, he said threateningly.

“What?”, I managed to croak out.

“Nothing much, you see you are not our target. We just need your pretty little face to look scared to death and ask for your parents to come save you, If not, believe me when I say this You really will be scared and begging for them to come save you. Do I make myself clear?”, he spat.                                                                    

A tremor of fear coursed through my body. No way in hell will I be the end of my parents. They’re all I’ve got left. I turned my head, sideways into the pillow as a sob tore itself from my heart.

“Your choice then”, he said with a wicked smile across his face as he drew closer. I felt a large trail from my ankle to my knee. “Get your filthy hands off me “, I barked with all the strength and anger I could muster. The next instant the door flung open and a guy carrying a cam recorder walked in with an evil glint in his dark eyes.

“Help me!! Somebody Please Help me!!!” , I screamed a huge hand landed on my face and everything became blank.

My SaviorOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant