Chapter 8

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(Brian's POV)

I glanced at my watch and realized it was rather early, and I was yawning and wanting to get to bed. But of course, as soon as I stand up from the couch, I'm fully awake.

Michelle wasn't here, so I just aimlessly wandered around the house.

I passed the fridge, made the smart choice and got a bottle of water, and continued out of the kitchen. It had been a long time since Michelle or at least one of the guys had not been around at night, so it was really awkward for me, and I wasn't paying attention to where I was going until I realized I was standing on my couch.

I raised my eyebrows at that, then hopped off.

I looked down at the Battle of the Bands portfolio with the picture of my guitar on the top, and smiled. I picked up the portfolio and carried it downstairs.

The first thing that I saw was my pin-striped guitar on it's stand. I hadn't played it since Jimmy's death, and I thought maybe I should play something.

My biggest fear is the tears, though.

If I pick up that guitar, the tears will come and I don't fucking want to cry. I can deal with things in better ways. But I know that guitar is my passion, and playing will make me feel like myself again- besides the sadness.

My phone buzzed, and I realized that I had gotten several texts and missed calls.

Most Recent:

Missed call from Chelle.

Missed call from Matt.

Matt: Answer your damn phone!

Missed call from Matt.

Missed call from Matt.

Chelle: Babe, are you alright? Call me, please?

Johnny: Ok, just don't reply.

Johnny: bro, everyone's at mine, wanna come around?

Missed call from Johnny.

Missed call from Chelle.

Missed call from Matt.

Missed call from Dad.

I had to do a double-take at the missed call from Dad.

Why would he call me? Oh, yeah, Jimmy, right. I don't really think that's why he called, but it could be.

I tossed my phone onto the couch and glanced over at my guitar once more. I swung it around my shoulder and began to play a simple chord progression unplugged.

Em, Em, Em, Em, Em, G, G, G,G, D,D, Bm, Bm, X, X, C.

Em. "Never feared for anything." Em, Em, Em, Em. "Never shamed but never free. A life that healed a broken heart with all that it couuulldd."

I furrowed my brow, nodded, and as soon as I started to play again, my phone vibrated. It kept vibrating, though, so I knew it was a call, not a text.

I dropped my pick to the floor and reluctantly made my way over to the phone. I slowly grabbed it, saw 'Dad' appear on the screen. I pushed 'answer' and held the phone up to my face, then shakily breathed into the phone, "Hello?"

"Hey, Bri, it's Dad." He said quietly.

I nodded, even though I knew he couldn't see me and said, "I know."

"So, uh, how's everything? I heard about Jimmy. Poor kid. I bet you really miss him, huh?" He said.


"He was a talented musician. Could've really done something. Hmmmm, oh yeah! Anyway, Brian, I haven't seen ya in awhile so, I thought I'd bring Mckenna by or something and we'd have lunch? Maybe?" He rambled.

I sighed impatiently. "Dad, listen, I'm really going through a lot right now. Me and Miche-"

"You're still with that hoe?"  

"You can bring Mckenna by if you want but-"

"Great! See you in an hour!" He said excitedly and then hung up.

It really pisses me the fuck off when he does shit like that! I would like to see my sister, yes, but dad? Not really!

The day will be filled with Mckenna and I shooting sarcastic remarks at dad. He'll get fed up, then leave me and Mckenna alone to catch up. I wish he would try to be more understanding, but, he refuses.

He never supported my being in Avenged Sevenfold. He thought they were "a bunch of emo future drunks and drug addicts I say".

Well, he wasn't that off, but now, he thrives on Avenged stuff. He listens to our music. He talks about us on shows. In his videos, there are people wearing Avenged shirts. He's gone completely fucking insane, and I will never forgive him for what he's done.

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