Chapter 20

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So one by one, we all stepped onto the plane. I was getting a little nervous, since we were going to be performing in front of thousands of people every night and all, but, anything for a big break.

Michelle was walking close behind me and it was adding to my nerves. The seating arrangements were far too weird for my liking. Brian took the window seat in our row, Michelle took the middle seat, and I got the isle seat. I hated the isle seat, but, across the isle from me was Charlotte, so it was okay.

Everybody on the plane took their seats.

I, of course, was immediately irritated with a little boy behind me who, of course, was kicking my seat. On any other day, in any other circumstances, I would've said something right away. I realized though, that living with Michelle and Brian could be a new start for me. It would do me good to work on my patience and temper.

Well, the kid was getting really aggravating. So, I plugged my earphones in my ipod and selected "A Little Piece of Heaven" by Avenged Sevenfold.

I rememberedt that it was one of my favorites, so of course I didn't want to get sick of it. So, I switched it to "The Wicked End." I think the volume was pretty high because I could see the smirks of the Avenged Sevenfold members out of the corner of my eye.

I rolled my eyes and switched it to "Tribute" by Tenacious D. I sang along and drummed my fingers on the armrest, while trying my best to ignore the kid behind me.

"So we played the first thing that came to our heads, and it just so happened to be the best song in the world, it was the best song in the world." I sang.

"Attention passengers. The plane will begin takeoff in five minutes. The captain asks that you fasten your seatbelts and turn off any electronics." a woman's voice announced.

I sighed and shoved my ipod into my pocket and fastened my seatbelt, just waiting for the plane to take off.

With all that was happening though, and my music no longer playing, I had a lot more time to think about things. And all at once, millions of thoughts flooded into my mind.

Okay. Well, to be honest I didn't really like Vicki, but Charlotte is my best friend. So if she's always with Vicki now that apparently Vicki was going to Huntington Beach, she's gonna totally ditch me.

And what about Vicki's friend? Kenzie? I have no idea. She seems to have her eye on Jason though.... I wonder what will happen with that.

The biggest thing on my mind, though, is that, with all the love I have in my heart for Avenged Sevenfold, it's going to be hard for me to restrain my crush on Brian, since he's with Michelle, and escpecially since he's going to be my legal guardian. So, basically, like a father.

I had no doubt that he would be a bad father. Being a young, lead guitarist in a popular band may affect how he parents, but, he seems like a nice enough guy at heart.

I felt a cold hand stroke my own.


I don't know what to think of her. I always had a sort of jealousy of her, of course, but I never really disliked her. I mean, I had heard she was a bitch and had no reason to not believe that. After all, I had never met her. But now, since I have met her, and she was to be taking care of me, I see her in a new light.

Unexpectedly, the unwanted thought of Brian raping me entered my mind. My stomach flooded with nervees. I wasn't supposed to be having these thoughts! I'm not supposed to want to be raped. It would be one thing if he and I still had no relations, I guess, but..... we do now......

"Are you doing ok, love?" Michelle asked quietly.

I quickly snapped out of my inappropriate thoughts and nervously smiled at her and cleared my throat. "Yeah, I guess I'm fine... um, thanks. You know, for everything."

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