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"I'm not a kid, I'm a murderer."


I took my earbuds out of my ears and turned my iPhone off. I sighed as I stared out of the car window at nothing really. We had been driving for 3 days straight. We were probably in the middle of nowhere but my big brother Michael refused to stop driving. No trees, no cars en route, the sun was disappearing as night was almost upon us.

It's so many times I can play Subway Surfers before you get tired of hitting the trains and getting hauled off by the police officer. It's so many apps I can play with before they get entirely to boring and played out. And out of 402 songs that my iPhone that my holds it's only so many playlists I can listen to before music becomes boring.

"You hungry Gabriel?" Michael asked me.

Michael Corwin was the best brother anyone could be blessed with. No one will never understand how deeply grateful I am for my brother. I can't begin to explain why he loves me so much and why he accepts me they way I am. Talk about a provider, a protector, and a best friend. Michael was that for me. Fuck my dad and I hope I sent that son of a bitch to hell.

"I'm fine. Are we going to stop somewhere tonight? You really need the rest." He didn't want me to drive. Said it wasn't safe, and that if the cops ever stopped us then I would probably be recognized. With the way out situation was going, we prayed we didn't get pulled over.

"We have about 40 more miles until the next town. If I need to we'll probably stop. Sound good?" I nodded my head and leaned my head against the window.

Listening to the radio wasn't a good idea. Every time I'd find a good station, it would just end up in static after awhile. So we drove in silence. I glanced out up ahead of us, the sky was just clear a few minutes ago. I would've got an alert on my phone had we been heading into a storm.

"You see that?" Michael said.

It grew dark around us as a multitude of black clouds gathered creating booms of thunder. No rain begin to fall although, but soon bolts of lightning manifested which was scaring the shit out of me now. Michael kept driving, instead of the fast paced 80mph he was doing, he had slowed down to 60mph.

"We should stop, I don't like this Mike." I really didn't, it didn't feel right to stay on this road.

"Hey calm down, it won't be that bad."

Could you jinx it some more please.


Lightning struck not far ahead from us causing Michael to slam on the brakes and me screaming at the top of my lungs as my head hit the dashboard. Michael unclasped his seatbelt panicking when I clutched at my head that was now bleeding.

"Shit Gabe!"


Another bolt of lightning ripped through the sky followed by the ground being shook. We both were jolted up out of our seats. Felt like an earthquake.

What the hell was going on out here?

Michael ripped a shirt up handing it to me to stop the bleeding. My head was pounding, but I'm glad we were fortunate enough to not get struck by the lightning.

"Stay in the car." He said, I ignored him and followed right behind him.

The clouds had receded and the sky was going back to normal, a faint crackle was still held in the air. I noticed there was a crack in the middle of the road where the lightning had struck. I've always wondered about the power the earth could weild. That was some very angry lightning and thunder.

Michael saw it first then I saw it. There was a massive crater we had walked up on. Which was more shocking because their was a man lying smack in the middle of it.

"I don't like this, let's go Gabe." Michael tried to grab me.

"No he needs help!" I shoved off Michael and ran over jumping down into the crater. It was huge. It took me a minute to run to the center of it.

"Gabriel!" Michael yelled out behind me.

I was already kneeling down over the foreigner. Beautiful, indescribable, and radiant. I can not explain the feeling that was washing over me as I gazed up the man.

His skin was perfectly flawless and glowing. He only what can be pronounced as a kilt. It was of blue silk that contrasted against his tan skin, that was well .. perfect. He was big in size and muscles, he was ripped like that of a wrestler, The Rock had nothing on this guy. His face was serene, but hard, his jet black hair sprawled out around his head. He had light stuble around his firm chin and strong jawbones.

I was curious to know color his eyes was, they had to be golden, a godlike golden. I wanted to help him, I don't care what was happening around me, I pledged in my heart that I was going to help this man.

My heart jumped out of my chest when his hand began to move. I looked at him with interest as his face contorted saying he was in pain.

Did he fall out of the sky? No. Cause if he did he should be dead right?

He opened his eyes very slowly and my breath got caught in my throat. This was something that I had never seen before and yet I wasn't afraid. This guy was not human at all. His entire eyes were full on ocean water blue. No white, on the outside, no black or brown creating a ring in the eyeball, just full blown blue. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

I was frozen in place by his eyes and his hand was reaching out to me. His hand practically swallowed my face as he tried to cradle it in his hands. My heart was beating wildly and I felt this electricity flow through me, the feeling of his hand touching made me feel .. bliss.

The blue eyed being smiled faintly. His voice was laced with pain, authority, and affection as he begin to talk.

"And here I thought angels only existed in my Father's heavens." I shuddered as he dropped his hand and closed his eyes.

Oh my God.


(raised eyebrows) This going to be damned good. You interested yet?



Jake; The Fallen Archangel (Gay Romance)Where stories live. Discover now