Lands of Nest Reacher

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"Well, you're a girl. That's obvious." Verloren had fed the bird a few squares of meat with small berries. "Better?" She was talking to the bird having noticed that the Rabenites typically didn't keep too many people on the roof. She had begun to enjoy her new senses. The wilderness around around her had at first looked eerie from her old eyes but now was teeming with life and vivid colors.

The bird stared at her with a tilted head. Its red eye was fixated on her. She had just mended its leg and had applied an ointment to its back and under many of its ruffled feathers. The cloths that covered its legs were tight as to allow the tissues to heal, but importantly to keep anything from getting into the exposed region.

The supplies came from Frem and Verza who paid her a visit and came to check and see if she was alright.

When she was Wren she had cared for various breeds of animals and had learned to treat their injuries. "What should I call you? Verza has Avarice. Greed. So you should be..." She paused.

Her bird gave a squawk at her.

"You attacked me first, you know." She scolded the bird. "But if you promise not to do it again then I'll forgive you. Because we might need each other in the future. I'm new here, and I'm not sure If my mental episodes can reoccur yet. You're also lonely out here you know."

The bird's claw raised even in its bandage. Its level was at head height and ready to swipe her over. But it hesitated. Instead it folded its wings and sat in a more comfortable pose. It resumed eating food calmly as it began to rest.

"I got it. Verzine Shatten. Forgiven shadow. Fitting a 'noble' creature like yourself. Now here's what is going to happen Verzine. I'm tired, you're warm. I'm cold. You're going to fix this for me so we best learn to get cozy because we both have claws on. But you see, I only have feathers on my arms and you have more than I do. " She took her cloak and bundled in it as she tried to lean on the side of her bird. It fidgeted until it accepted the presence of its companion.

Verloren spent the night cuddled by her bird on the roof and was cautious as it would try and peck at her or squawk in her face. It was a long night.


Gold stood at attention. He was in the High Guard Barracks. It stood within the mountain range of Village's east. This was closer to the border and well hidden underground. The interior was equipped with powerful cataphracts designed for the protection of the village against foes with advanced weapons.

The location of the Barracks was a Tribe secret, obviously found out by Raben, but extremely difficult to find. And at night he would never have seen the entrance without his new mentor.

"Well, you got into the Corvus Castrum, you knocked out a Marshal of the Murder, and nearly made off with a Rabenite recruit before she had you stabbed. Well, I've seen worse." The High Guard Schutz spoke. "You got two recommendations to this position, the first: High Guard Kaiser. The second: Lord of the Nacht Knights, Lord Folter?" Schutz's eye grew wide and startled. "Well, I though I'd seen everything. But a recommendation from the Head of Raben's Natch Knights, yet alone our lord is impressive."

Schutz was an elderly man. A man who had seen war. And a man who had delivered judgement upon his enemies. A veteran of great status and extremely well trained, Schutz stated a light pace reading over two papers he had on Goldfuast's history. 

"I'm a modest Roostmen sir, I won't be moved by praise sir." Gold interjected.

"Two things Roostman, it's fine to take pride in an achievement but do not forget to give praise from yourself to where it is due. You would not be here without your men, or those who provided their support, or even tribe Robin for feeding you. And Tribe Weaver and Beded for the forging of your armor. Second, I am also not influenced by praise and in fact if you cannot undergo High Guard training, then you will be sent back to your old position." Schutz warned.

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