Neutrality is Treason to All

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The dark halls concealed every range of snare, trap, and ploy. From poisonous darts to horrific chain reactions, the traitors hid in deep crevasses, deadly in every aspect. The Corvus Castrum had its gates wide open yet still a fortress. It invited an attack as a hot headed man is countered by his level-headed and superior opponent. The Great Ravens had fled its grounds at the ushering of Wirnar and Frem but the Traitors had regathered their birds. Every entrance was watched yet  the grounds stood inert. 

Not a soul could be seen from the outside. But within, the hive of treachery consolidated their prize. The Vault and Wracks were either put to the torch or plundered having been found to belong to the loyalists. 

The Grand Lady of Arbit walked calmly passed the danger. A blur bypassed the guards, defenses, and weapons to arrive at a ring of chairs at the inner most point. A guard motioned to fall among the glimmer but was stopped by his superior officer. His companion did not heed his warning and met a steel encased fist in his torso, shattering his core and rupturing his lungs. Her armor suddenly moved faster and reached out to snatch a High Lord of Roost by his face whom was found sitting in the ring. He was lifted off the ground, not wearing his armor, and was brutally pulled into the air. He was forced to use every last fiber of his muscle to keep her grip from putting all his weight of his body on his neck.

"What do you want Lady True? Your Tribesmen and Tribeswoman are yours. If you have a dispute to settle, you will do it in a duel. None of this backstabbing." A Rabenite voiced from the ring.

"Like hell they are, Schrecklich conspired with Gorgon. You left my people to the fiends of the wastes. We were supposed to rush the Giant to completion before a foe could arise. Are aware of the giant's health? It has been weened off its emergency power. The Beded Tribe can no longer slow it down. You understand it will bring adversaries against it. They will draw out a cross fire you know." True warned, as she dropped the man. 

"We understand your dilemma, but the High Guard Gorgon was not sanctioned by the council. His actions against your tribe were punished. Schrecklich is also dead for his actions, his penance raid was suicidal." A second voice echoed, a woman's.

The man who was dropped coughed heavily and made short crawls back to his seat.

"We plan to set the giant loose into the wasteland if we have no option left. But it's weapons vastly out-scale other giants. You understand that if we don't get a pilot inside it we are in dire peril." The Rabenite spoke again.

 A third voice arose with more charisma and charm, male with a richness and a suave and calm, if not confident tone.

"I understand this movement to seize power was met with resistance but as they plan to attack the fortress, we're ready to move against Tribe Beded's hold. Once the giant has his pilot we cannot be stopped. Its that simple the war will be over and they will want to start negotiations. Of cource they don't want us to rejoin them, and they surely will not come back to the fold. But we will allow a division until we can mend the wounds." The voice finished.

"Vishal, your entire plan revolves around the pilot not meeting his end at the end of Rabenite talons. I will take the last of my people and leave." Said True. 

"The threat of such a weapon has shown us our counter-part's true colors. We always suspected they see this as a insane threat, and a power play but it is quite the opposite. We have a poor reputation but it does not mean that we are to be trifled with Lady True. 'Your' people answer to Maazan or their own appointed leader among us, Alger." Vishal spoke back to True. 

"If I am to be banished from both petty loyalists and you traitors then you will fear me more than the loyalists. I will place the knife in the hands of your murderers. I promise you this. I have taken the liberty of examining your armory and your relics. The next time you see me will be at my bidding or upon you as a hawk descending at mouse." Said True as she vanished from view. 

The ring disbanded in a hurry. 

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