Just be Happy

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I slowly paced myself up to the front of the hall trying not to slip on my flowing dress and my 5-inch heels.
I usually don't do dresses or even wear heels for that matter. But today is special. Not a happy and beautiful moment, but special nevertheless.

As the previous speaker had finished speaking soft claps aroused in the hall. It was simply awkward, for almost none of us here actually were that close to each other. Don't you think its weird that hundreds of people unite because of that one person. Because that one person, they cared a lot about, left them?

So here we were holding hands and offering each other a few words of comfort even when we knew that not even god could change this situation.

I stepped on to the podium, taking in the amount of people I was going to deliver my speech to. The fond memories I would speak of. Memories of when he was still here with us. I nervously took the mic into my trembling hands- which I had no idea to why it was trembling. I had done a few speeches, including the valedictorian speech in front of a much larger audience- and then I realized. The trembling was not out of fear of the audience. But the fear of myself. Particularly my life without him.

"Hey, my name is Sarah and this is my story. This is a story of a time in elementary school where my best friend was my former bully...

Funny huh? See how it goes ...

I was and am an always happy girl who has good parents and a thick group of friends who I am sincerely thankful for.

Back then I would just go to school and come back home every day, do my work, play a little and go to bed. It was a daily routine and life was great.

But, on April 18, now that was a day I'll never forget. My best bud/bully made his appearance for the very first time that day. He came in like a goth king fully dressed in black. He had a dangerous smirk and a piercing gaze which screamed danger.

My mom always told me that you should never judge a book by its cover, so I thought I'd say hi ignoring all my friends' advice to stay away from him. I could not see the harm in saying a simple hi!

So, I approached him with a bright smile on my face and greeted him.
That was all it took to trigger him.

"Don't talk me Ms Perfect" he shouted at my face and left immediately stomping his way to who knows where. Honestly speaking, I did not know how to respond.

I went back to my clique and just remained confused the whole day. Nobody really talked to him. The whole queue for lunch dispersed and let him go first. The others did not even dare to go for lunch.

But only after a week or so the bullying started. He would call me names and make people laugh. Many forced one so that they would not get bullied. The teachers did not do anything as they thought it was a simple game we played. My friends would stay with me but no matter what, his bullying had no shortcoming. But I would always put a smile on my face - fake or not and would shake my head and pretend like nothing happened even though I had wanted to burst out in tears.

The very first day it happened, I told my mom and she said that I should just ignore him. She told me that we should only take in the words of those who care for us. The next day, however, she handed me an envelope and told me to pass it to him. When I asked her what was in it, she told me that I would know soon.

I went to school that day and passed him the letter still not knowing what it said. Without even reading it, he threw it in the trash reasoning that things from trash are trash too. Without saying anything I left the scene teary-eyed immediately.

For the next month, it sort of became a ritual. Me handing him a letter and him throwing it in the bin and saying a few words to hurt me.

Exactly one month later, my mom did not give me any envelope. When I asked her why she did not give me one, she just replied again "you'll see".

That day I went to school and things were really different. I mean, he did bully me and all but after that when I walked away, he ran after me and asked me where was the stupid letter that I would always give him.

I simply told him that there was no letter that day. Those words he said after that surprised me " Tell her I'll be there". I was really very shocked as his tone was very calm and in a way scared. But before I could ask him anything he was out of sight.

Since the only 'she' he could be referring to was my mom, I quickly rushed home and told her the events of that day. The minute I told her that, trust me I'll never forget that moment, her face became so bright and it was just glowing with happiness. Droplets of water ran down from her eyes. Being a child, I was very curious and so I immediately asked her what happened. But...

You guessed it! She replied with that same answer "wait for some time and you'll get to know".

But surprisingly, I did. That evening at about 5 I think, my mum setting up for dinner and instead of the usual 2 plates, she put 3. My dad worked overseas so seeing that there were 3 plates I thought that he was finally coming back to visit us.

But when I asked my mum, she told me that my dad was not coming back for a month or even longer. Just as she said that the doorbell rang.

When I unlocked it there he stood in a worn-out shirt and school shorts. I was surprised and asked him what he was doing here. "You really don't know do you?" He asked me with an amused look.

Was I missing out on something?
Was my bully actually smiling and talking to me? Hearing a foreign voice, my mum came out and told that she always kept her word. She then invited him in and we had our dinner. TOGETHER.

After dinner, he said that he was really sorry for everything that he had done and would like to be my friend. I did not what was going on at all. I was clueless. My mum explained everything that happened to me since the first day I had passed him the letter.

Apparently, he would pick up the letter every day after school and read the messages my mum had sent him. So, the letters contained a small note to ask him for his well-being and an invitation to our house.

So, after that was cleared, he told me that, he was physically abused at home and he bullied me take out the anger. He apologised profusely and asked me if we could be friends.

I was scared and obviously did not say anything. But he looked really sad and was guilty. So, after a bit of persuasion from my mother, I agreed.

Although took some time to become good friends, we worked it out and since then we have always stuck together. I was his support and he was mine. We stuck through thick and thin.

He has left our world and entered a new one leaving us alone on this planet. I hope that he will rest in peace and do well in whatever is to await him.

Thank you"

I finished my speech with tears running down my face. Everyone was trying not to burst out in tears on this sad occasion. I don't think I'll ever be able to get over his loss. But I promised him that I will get on with my life even he passes away and I am going to try to keep up to that promise as much as possible.

Happiness is just a part of life like sadness. It is how you live it that determines who you are and who you will be.


Hi there! Firstly, thank you for reading this book and I sincerely hope you enjoyed the story. Unfortunately, this is the end. Please don't forget to comment, share and vote !

Check out my other book Possessed which is a 2 chaptered thriller-mystery story

Song above: middle of starting over by Sabrina Carpenter :)

Image: previous cover


A beautiful song I thought I should share:)

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