Carapacian Dominion

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At first, when my friend @AwesomeWolfiz first showed me the "The Wanderers" Homestuck album so many months ago, I thought of this song as repetitive.

Upon listening to it again after deciphering a way to tabulate my Homestuck songs onto my computer and phone in a manner convenient for absentminded enjoyment, I realized this wasn't the truth at all.

The beginning segment holds true to my statement, sure, but it does it so well that it creates a mysterious buildup to the surprisingly foreign middle section, which gives off an especially "desert" feel which definitely contributes to the nature of the setting the Exiles' journey takes place in.

If you ever need to get into the writing mood, listen to this song. It helped me for sure.


Song: Carapacian Dominion (Seth "Beatfox" Peelle, "The Wanderers")

Originally published on 3/5/2017.

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