Blinded Love

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      "So that means the killer is... K-Kaede." Those words he thought would never come out of his mouth. The evidence was all laid out in front of them, all pointing to her being the killer. He longed to take the blame but he knew he couldn't

    He couldn't protect her he'd failed. Now she hung dead, waiting to be crushed by the spiked lid of the piano. He turned quickly as it crushed the once beautiful pianist. Then he made a vow, a vow to her. He would not love another so. He would close his heart so he'd never get hurt like this again.

But things change and you can never predict love.

    A few days later he found himself hanging around the twin tail girl Maki. Those were the times when his grief for the dead pianist were forgotten. He began to care deeply for the caregiver, he trusted her. Even when Ouma had revealed her true talent, the Ultimate Assassin, he never trusted her any less. Instead he only cared for her more.  Though that would never get him anywhere, he would always be a side character. Life isn't fair and it never will be.

He would only ever be her best friend and nothing more

  He didn't even need to be a detective to see this. Maki Harukawa had fallen in love with Kaito Momota. Kaito was always one step closer. He envied them because he would never have that with Kaede, but there was also something else he couldn't quite grasp. No he knew it and would never admit it

He, Shuichi Saihara had fallen in love with Maki Harukawa

  The sane thing happened to her. He knew this all too well. Now she'd do the same as him, close her heart and not love anyone else. Just because of just one thing,

Because Kaito had murdered Ouma.

He's never seen her cry, heck he doesn't even know if she's ever cried. He wanted to run up and hug her, but he couldn't. Instead he watched her cry and yell out. He even felt a tear slip past, because he knew and knew it all too well.

Life isn't fair and it never will be.

  She grew apart from him, she wanted  nothing to do with him. Always saying he didn't know how she felt and to go away. He had failed her, failed her just like the young pianist, but he never stopped trying.

   They became close again, inseparable even. He even got her to crack a smile every once in awhile. Now it was time to face the final trial. Neither one knew if they'd escape alive or die trying.

   "Maki..." He said only to he cut off. "It doesn't matter what we do, we're going to die anyway." She huffed. He hugged her and said nothing. He tensed when she didn't respond, afraid he'd upset her. Finally she hugged back allowing him to relax. They stood there for awhile not saying anything. "I wish I could stay in your arms like this, I-I feel safe like this." She muttered. He pressed his face against her neck, breathing in her scent and causing her to tense up. "Don't worry we'll find away out and we'll do it." He paused


(I ruined two ships and I'm proud of it)

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