Chapter two

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"Bright and morning sunshine " My dad's voice echoed through the room ..agh ! Do I have to

" Dad, its a Saturday , I barely got any sleep from Dylan's annoying party yesterday " which I crushed . I finished the rest of the sentence in my head

" aww sweety , I'm sure you'll get the rest tonight , now let's go to the kitchen, I made you some pancake's " Dad said holding his mug in his right hand and sipping it while sitting on my bed . Oww Pancakes

" yay, thanks dad , I will be down in a few minutes " I said giving him a kiss on his cheek, he stood up and made his way out of my room


Making my bed and finally skipping on the stairs making my way to the kitchen , I sat there waiting for the pancake's to be placed before me

"Um hey dad " I said to my dad whose back was turned on me

" yeah ?" He Asked ,finally he's focus on me

" where's mom ? " I asked looking at his green eyes , he sighed and leaned up close so that he could get the perfect view of me

"She left " dad stated eyeing me from one eye to the other

"She always does , and never cease to disappoint me every time " I replied feeling angry and lost my appetite at the same time , I stood up from the table and made my way back to my room before dad yelled to me

"Jasm- !! " dad tried stopping me " Ain't you atleast going to eat your pancake's" he yelled , his voice vibrating through out the whole house

" I'm not hungry anymore " I finally replied shutting the door signaling I was no more interested in talking to him

I walked to the shower , stripping down and entering the shower , the water poured on me and my hair became drench , I began scrubbing and leaving the water hit my skin as hard as it could feeling relieved from the situation of my mom

I know this is probably something I'm not supposed to be mad about , but let's try to be humans and next time say our farewells to people when we leaving, not just disappear out of no where and the next morning you not around

I exit the shower blowing my hair and spraying it with strawberry hair spray which I myself Adore , I put on some shorts and a long tee which is quite longer with length then my shorts , and place my hair into a messy bun , my stomach begins to scroll and I realise im so hungry I don't even know how to explain the pain

I walk down the stairs again for the third time today , with my facial expression in annoyance remembering that I had to wake up today at 1:30 just to go crush a loud party

I make it to the kitchen , my dad wasn't here anymore. He had left to go to some 'business meeting ' on a Saturday morning *rolls eyes* but whateva

I make some tea, and instead of going to watch TV , I decided to go Outside on the porch and sit on the swing set before the porch

I remember how mom and dad would always push me on this swing while I screamed my lung's out of excitement , it wa-

"wasn't cool" A voice said interrupting my thoughts

" huh? "I asked looking up , searching for the person who just produced the sound

" I said , what you did , wasn't cool , at all!!" The voice stated and this time I saw to whom it belonged to , it was Dylan , he stood on his porch with his back leaned on the wall , and I could get a clear view of him

I never in my life , have i liked describing Dylan , there was only one word which did the job for me , which was ...jerk

Yes Jerk

Dylan was a big jerk , scumbag and a loser , I was just not Interested in saying much , he was just a loser and that's all you needed to know

" I never attempted to make it seem cool" I said bluntly , raising his anger , he had a very short temper and I knew exactly how to get to him..

" Whatever Jack , and next time if you want to invite yourself to my party , wear something sexy " he replied and made his way back Into his house

"my name is not Jack , its Jas ...JASMINE !!! " I yelled before rolling my eyes " I get that your brain is not smart enough to store one name , it's okay, I understand " I mumbled under my breath taking a sip from the tea which was in my hands

Dylan was my next door neighbour , and used to be my favourite person in the whole world , keyword being used to, one night - a Valentine's ball night - he had asked me to be his date , but eventually stood me up , I was so angry at him , he never showed up and never gave me a valid reason to why he never showed up , and maybe when he tried telling me , I never bothered to know

I was so hurt , it hurt a lot , looking at the fact I really really liked him , how could I be so stupid !! So eventually that love changed into dislike , hate and eventually I despise

"What did you say to me ? " he appeared out of no where causing me to hiss and spill the rest of the tea on me , all of a sudden my mouth froze and a little fear grew in me , I looked at Dylan's green eyes which grew darker and darker as they targeted my own eyes , his face was Right in front of mine , and I couldn't miss the fact that I was feeling really cold and sticky from the tea over my body

" You " he said pointing at me " crushing my party " this time his finger was pointing at him "is one thing , but telling me that I'm to dumb to learn your suck ass name , is going to far , princess " he stated before pushing the swing with all his might, causing me to lose balance and fall flat on my face , and stomach

"Watch it ! " he finished up and leaved !

I hated him ...with all my might , I just DESPISED HIM !!

Dylan scores (10)


Jasmine scores (10)


Heyiie , wow . long chapter. I don't really like writing long chapters. But either than that ..yay chapter three is coming

Next on : The fake dance

I was currently sitting on the last seat in the back row enjoying the Free period our teacher had decided to give to us when all of a sudden Mr loser over here appears out of no where with some red head

"Move " he stated gesturing at my seat ...oh no he did not

" Oww I'm so scared , besides what gives you the slightest idea that I would actually listen to you" I asked with an amused expression , this better be a good one

Question : what do you think of Dylan ?

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