"I ALREADY SAID I NEED A BREAK FROM THIS LIFE!" Patricia shouted at her twin brother, everyone was downstairs listening to the raging argument that was going on upstairs in Patricia's room, Wyatt looked at his twin and said "Patty there's no running from this life. You are a Whitelighter- witch hybrid you need to stay here this is where your powers originate from." Patricia glared at her brother and moved her hand in a swinging motion making a book fly towards his head "Ouch!" Wyatt groaned and sighed "Patty please." the brunette glared at her brother and zipped her last bag.

She walked down the stairs gracefully her suitcases following her floating, "Patty what can I do to make you stay?" Wyatt asked pleading, "Nothing Wyatt." Patricia said, her blue eyes rolling, suddenly someone clears their throat causing the twins to turn around "Patty we have somethings for you, a charmed ring bracelet and necklace and a replica of the book of shadows, we know that you are sick of this life but please take it, you never know what is going to cross your path next and it will ease our worries." Piper says to her eldest daughter.

Patricia sighed and took the book from her mother's hands and placed it in her purse, "It's charmed too, anything we add in the original will appear in yours copy and anything you add in yours will appear in ours." Phoebe told her hugging her sideways, Paige followed her half-sister's example and hugged the brunette girl.

"Can I please go? I'll lose my plane." Patricia said after hugging everyone in the family, they all nodded and Wyatt grabbed her bags which caused his twin to raise a brow at him, "What? Do you really think I'm going to allow you to orb yourself to the airport by yourself?" Wyatt asked in a condescending tone, Patricia shook her head and grabbed his free hand before they both orbed away.

They quickly arrived and let go of each other, Wyatt stood next to his sister and placed an arm around her shoulder. "So your starting Senior year in a new town, who happens to be the rainiest town in the country, and you don't want me to come with you." He says, Patricia smiles and wraps an around his waist as she answers " Yes, Wyatt you know that whenever the two of us are together trouble finds us easily." The brunette boy nods and comes to a stop in front of the security gate.

"I best go Wyatt." she whispered to him before tears flooded her eyes, not resisting the whitelighter-witch boy pulled his sister into his arms before letting go of her, "Go, go be your best." he told her kissing her forehead, "Take care of Chris and Melinda. And don't go evil." Patricia said kissing her brother's cheek before walking through the security gate.

After watching Wyatt orb away Patricia walked to her plane gate and stood on the line, it didn't take long until she was able to enter the plane, she knew she could have just orbed to her new house but she didn't want to lose the thrill of flying there.

*TIME SKIP (Because I don't know how to write the flight)*

As soon as the plane landed and stopped Patricia was on her feet and out the door of the plane, cold wind hit her making her hair fly back and she instantly cursed herself for not having brought a warmer coat, she walked out to the taxi area and got in, "So how was your flight miss?" the driver asked, 'Shut up and drive.' Patricia said in his mind, she wasn't in the mood to deal with people asking her about her life. The taxi drive was quiet until they arrived at a car shop, walking out and paying the driver Patricia held her coat closer to her.

"Hello Miss, would you like to rent a car?" the front desk lady asked the young hybrid "Um not quite I called a few days ago and bought a car only with your help." Patricia said twirling her hair in her fingers, "Name please." the lady asked as she began typing on the computer, "Patricia Wyatt." she said, nodding the woman reached for a drawer and pulled a pair of keys then said "Follow me, everything has been paid for even the insurance." smiling Patricia followed the woman out to the parking lot and looked around until they reached hers, "Here are your papers, but I do need to see your car license, I.D. and recite." the woman said before handing her the car, nodding Patricia rummaged through her purse for everything allowing the woman to look into the bag.

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