First Day~

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-(Y/n)'s P.o.v-

As I tossed and turned in my sleep I just couldn't seem to loss him. I was panting looking for a way out but there was nowhere left to run, I shivered as I turned around my (E/c) orbs where met with crimson red ones "No where left to run sweetheart"he almost purred as he slowly moved closer.

"N-No don't do this" I begged as tears roll down my cheeks not being able to look up and meet the crimson gaze that was eyeing me up and down, He'd chuckled darkly as he moved closer to me now pinning me to the wall.

"I love it when my prey begs~" he said as his head moved closer to my neck. I shivered feeling his hot breath on my neck. "Now doll face no need to be scared I won't hurt you much, in fact I'll make you feel good~" My eyes snap open and that's when I see him lick his shape teeth.

He'd leans back towards my neck and then...I'd wake up panting clutching my chest "I-It was only a dream...only a dream" I get out of bed slowly and walk towards the bathroom I move my (H/l) (H/c) (unless it's short then don't worry about it) out of the way and look at my neck.

I sigh as I stood still looked in the mirror, It's not like this is the first time this has happened I've had this same nightmare is that even what it is...No it is a nightmare and nothing more. I walk out of the bathroom only to have my door swung open out of nowhere.

"Get ready for school (Y/n) " My mom said as she looked into my room, I sighed "Fine mom" your mom looked at you confused "Come on cheer up just yesterday you where happy about attending high school.

"I am happy just tired" you mutter back not thinking she heard you "Okay Sweetie but hurry I'm leaving soon so if your not downstairs I'll make you walk to school" with that she left, You rolled your eyes and put on your uniform and headed down stairs. "Well look out high school here I come".

((Hey everyone if your reading this hope you at least liked it i tried my best for this being my first Fanfiction ever!!! So if you like please comment and tell me and if you have any ideas for other books I'm open :D Love y'all   ~Otaku~Chan :> ))  

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