Chicks and Ducks

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I wake up in my barely unpacked box filled apartment. That my mother has called me a million times to make sure I don't need help unpacking. I make coffee and start my day. I get dressed and head to work. My first day as a surgical resident. I am so excited! I have to work with George though. Eh. When I pull up to the hospital I walk into the OR that the interns are in, and a man is telling us about our lives as residents and interns. When I leave I see my locker and out my purse in it after I change into my scrubs. Then a really hot doctor walks in. When I say hot I mean really hot!
"My name is Dr. Karev, and which one of you is Dr. Edwards?" he asks.
"Me!" a girl says as he nods and they leave.
Then I get assigned to a woman named Dr. Grey. I know exactly who she is. Callie used to talk about her when my dad was in the hospital. (Not dead by the way).  She has me run stuff to the lab and tells me I'm efficient. Then after I sit down and head to lunch. I sit with the other interns until I hear a familiar voice yell
"Jo!" I turn to see Callie coming to hug me.
I accept it and we talk.
"How are you?" She asks.
"I'm really really good," I say as she smiles and takes my hand to a table with people I know but they don't know me. Then I see my brother. He looks at me with a face of fright and is almost scared that I'm here.
"George you didn't tell me your sister was starting as an intern here," Callie says to George.
"Your sister?" Everyone asks as they look at me.
"No wonder I like her," Meredith says.
"Yes my sister my little baby sister. The one that gave my parents their fourth child and made them happy. The only daughter my parents ever had," he says.
"You're not going to let that go are you?" I ask him.
"I let it go the day you were born," he says.
"Yeah because my three older brothers sending me to the ER with a broken wrist is letting it go," I say.
"Dear god don't start Zola loves that movie," Meredith and Derek say.
"Sofia misses you," Callie says talking to me.
"You kept in touch with her?!" George asks me.
"Yeah because she is like the sister I never had," I say.
"Well I mean George was a sister but I don't talk about some stuff with him," I say as Izzie starts laughing.
Izzie. My mom hates Izzie because she ruined George's marriage. I smile at her and Meredith and I head off to take care of our patient. We get paged for trauma and we run to the ER.
"14 year old girl in a car accident unidentifiable and parents are behind us. She is unconscious, was conscious at the scene and tried to strangle one of the officers," the paramedic says.
"Oh boy," Meredith says as we walk.
She wakes up right after we start heading up to the OR because he has blood in her abdomen.
"Where are my parents?!" She asks.
"They are being taken care of," Meredith says.
"I want to see my dad! I want to see my dad!" She yells grabbing George when we get out of the elevator I grab his wrist and pull him out of there.
"Look at me! You can't see your dad until we are finished your surgery and we know you and your dad are ok! And if you ever hurt another doctor again, it will not be good," I say as Meredith looks at me and George does too. Actually everyone is looking at me. Then we continue. During the surgery Meredith strikes up conversation.
"What was that all about back there?" Meredith asks me.
"She hurt a doctor I had to stick up for them," I say.
"No, she hurt your brother and you had to stick up for him," she says.
"Hey. Mom is ok and so is dad. The mom started the accident by hitting her husband and daughter," Callie says as she comes in and leaves.
"Oh my god," Meredith says.
"That's terrible," I say.
"What was it like being you know raised by your family?" Meredith asked me.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"You know perfect family," she says.
"We were not a perfect family. My brothers and I only ever fought. George and I rarely got alone. My mother was one of the laughing stock women of our town," I say as she looks up.
"Really?" She asks.
"Yup," I say.
"Was it really that bad?" She asks.
"Sort of," I say as we finish up and take her to the ICU. When she wakes up Meredith tells me to keep her in check while she goes and finds out how the parents are doing. The girl looks at me and she tells me that she is in pain. I give her morphine and then Meredith tells me that I can have dinner with her and Derek so I accepted because I can't screw things up in the first day. When we get to a house that Meredith says isn't here. George, Callie, Arizona, and a million other people. Including my parents.

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