~Toxic as smoke~

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The light of the scattered fires dimmed slowly. The rain slowly *pit pats* lightly against the concrete to a mystery beat. New smoke wafts through the half destroyed city. The airborne poison steadily twists and bends around tall buildings, envelopes cars and clouds what once was the beautiful night sky.

With the wind behind the fires, the smoke snaked around aimlessly, until it reaches the edge of the city. The stubborn toxins finally dissipate in completion of it's long journey. The smell still lingered in the air, obviously wanting to be remembered and not forgotten so easily.

A lonely hand twitched to the smell of smoke. The monster which the hand belonged to slowly stirred. Her eyes flickered open but only into a squint. A large gash above one of the eyes stopped them opening wider. What a nuisance. She was in a quite an odd position, laying down, stomach first on the cracked deserted street.

Her deep navy eyes cautiously scanned the area for potential foes, eyes darting around, analyzing every dark patch of ground. When she saw there were none, she relaxed a little. A pink button nose peeks out of the grey and ginger fur on her love heart shaped face.

She clenched her fists and gritted her teeth, preparing to stand up. Her weight shifted, but to her surprise she couldn't get up. She tried to get multiple times, the thing weighing her down only lifting slightly upwards. Frustration soon followed. An unforgiving frown teased at her lips.

The immense weight on her back irritated her greatly, foolishly she whipped around to see what was holding her down. A thick telephone pole pinned her to the ground. A loud popping noise could be heard from her back.

' Well that was flipping stupid!'

Her ears a flattened against her skull, and a grimace pulled at her face, as repercussion of her poor decisions, pain pulsed throughout her body. The pain could be compared to tall waves beating mercilessly upon a lonely rock, lodged into the sand. It was tedious.

She immediately got fed up with the unnecessary pain, she summoned a giant orange arrow head and smashed that poor telephone pole precisely in half. Leaving nothing but splints. It was snapped in half like a toothpick.

Poor telephone pole. It was unbearably villainized, the pole wasn't even at fault for crying out loud. What did the poor pole do to deserve this disgusting treatment. The innocent poles life was unfairly taken away. But frankly, the cat monster couldn't give a dam about the dead pole. She revolts me, the scum of the earth. POLE DISCRIMINATION!!!

That pole could of had a husband and children. Family to feed. She is a POLE MURDERER! The Pole family would now be like

"Dada pole? Where's Mummy pole?"
And Dada pole will be all like " I don't know son."



The cat stumbled to her feet drowsily. She stretched and yawned. Another loud pop could be heard as her back slid back into place. The gash on her forehead started to get irritant. Her eyes are half lidded, haphazardly not looking at her footing as she glided through the rubble in search of supplies.

A light comforting breeze silently flows through the war zone. It tickles her nose and tugs and pushes at her ginger and grey fur.
She slowed to a stop, overwhelming calmness overflows within her. The change of atmosphere was sudden. She felt whole, complete and at ease. She hadn't felt like that in a long time. She accepted the feeling, not letting it go; holding on to that blissful moment with an iron fist.

Her calmness was quick to dissipate. Her ears perked up like satellite dishes. She quickly fond cover behind a half destroyed second hand shop. Her eyes narrowed. Peeping over the corner into the rubble every so often. Seriousness stiffed her mood. Oh how the longed, desperately wanting to grasp the calm once again.

She heard it once more. Animal footsteps could be heard clicking against the pavement five blocks away. The wonders of being a cat monster. The clicking was fast and wide. The clicks of an animals feet sometimes circled as if looking for someone. The animal stopped looking. All of a sudden, the clicks could be heard dashing towards her current location.

With no time to waste, she summoned a a ' morning star ' made of a blue bat and orange arrow heads. She widened her stance, ready to cause pain to anybody that gives her trouble.

In between her knuckles she summoned arrow heads to throw at the animal like shurikens. She planned to depend her sense of hearing in stead of her eyesight. Her night vision was limited because of the gash on her for head. She wanted to kill the humans hunting dog so much.

To her disappointment, a skeleton pup skidded around the corner. The dog was a construction of a skeleton, a terrible one at that. The proportions were all wrong, the head and tail were way too big and the ribcage to tiny.

The dog was jumpy and fidgety. He looked so happy to see me and wasn't fazed by the massive amounts of attacks aimed at his head. What an oblivious, dense little pup. Her attacks slowly disappeared, confused about what is going on.

The doggo immediately started to push her in the direction he came from. Well, tried to anyways. She just stood there, as the weakly made pup scrambled to try and get her moving. Uninterestedly, she kneeled to the skele dogs height.

"If you don't stop pushing me, I'll decapitate you. If you want me to take you somewhere, just lead the way. " Her voice was cold, the pup didn't seem to notice though.

The doggo nodded and dashed further away. Despite how fast the pup was, she could always seem to catch up. Unusual. She eventually overtook the dog when the heard a monster cry out for help, only a few blocks away.

The building had crumbled, collapsed with him inside. He was still alive, but trapped. So all she could see is a skeleton hand peeking out of the rubble.


' *audible sigh *Boys, their hopeless. '

~Rayel and Frame~ Papyrus x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now