Worse Than Nicotine

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(Brendon's Point of View)

   After the concert, Cecily and I went to the Meet and Greet with fans. It had been a hard concert, and I was more exhausted than usual. The fans were super hyped, but were extremely bitter towards Cecily. I signed a few autographs and took countless pictures. Cecily stood back, just watching. After all was said and done, Zach escorted Cecily and I back to our traveling van. Sarah stood outside with her arms crossed, leaning against the door. She had an expression that practically made me cringe.
   After sending Cecily inside, Sarah said she needed to talk to me. "I don't trust Cecily," Sarah whispered. I shook my head in astonishment.
   "Why," I asked, "She's just a kid! You know, I was actually thinking that it would be nice to have someone else in the band-" Sarah cut me off. She looked at me with all seriousness.
   "I think something is wrong in her head." Sarah glanced back at the van, as if expecting Cecily to have been watching us through the window. I pulled Sarah into an embrace and rubbed her back soothingly.
   "I will let you know if anything seems wrong," I promised her. She pulled back and pecked me on my lips, then we joined everyone in the van.


(Cecily's Point of View)

   It had gotten to the point where I craved the sound of Brendon's voice. At night, I would lie awake on the couch, striving to hear him sing Impossible Year. The concert and gotten me on a high.
   I had accidentally taken too much on the night of the concert. Brendon was too tired to do anything afterwards. Oops. I would have to cut down, but it was going to be hard. His drug was worse than nicotine.


(Brendon's Point of View)

   After my talk with Sarah that night, I couldn't help but notice odd things about Cecily. She never actually ate the food we gave her, yet she continued to look healthier. After the concert, it looked like she hadn't even broken a sweat. Then there was the way she talked. Every few sentences included a reference to one of my songs. At first I thought she was just being clever. Now it was just weird.
   I tried to brush aside the feelings. I figured that Sarah had just psyched me out a bit. When we had a little down time, I took the whole crew out to dinner at a nice restaurant. Sarah let Cecily borrow one of her smaller dresses, and I put on my red suit.
   While picking a restaurant, one with Karaoke and a piano caught my eye. Sarah said that it probably wasn't very nice if it had Karaoke, and that it was typical of me to pick a place where I could perform. I just laughed. It was typical of me. This time, though, I wasn't planning to perform. I wanted to break Cecily out of her shell.
   Little did I know, that was a bad idea.

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