Sweet, Sweet Death

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A heart feels strange as you hold it. You can almost imagine the heart beating, pumping blood throughout your body. You can feel all the parts of a heart, squishing beneath your fingers.

I am having that wonderful sensation right now. It's my favorite part of a kill. The warm, crimson red blood flows out of a heart, curling around your hand, trickling down your arm, and falling to the floor. I look back, and see the blood has left a long, steady trail.

I shift the heart to my left hand and take down the jar with my right hand. A bit of the gray-yellow liquid sloshes over the side of the jar as I place it on the rickety wooden table in front of me. My hand shakes as I place the heart inside the jar. The excitement of a kill still hasn't worn off. My heart beats fast, and I still feel alive with adrenaline.

I seal the jar closed with my left hand then place the jar in the open slot on my shelf with the other hearts. Twenty-three. The thought makes a smile creep up on my face. Twenty-three victims. Only two more until I will be accepted into the group I have been dreaming about my entire life. It's a wonder the police haven't caught me yet.

Pushing the thought out of my head, I swoop down and dip my finger in the blood trail, coating my finger in blood. Wasting no time, I neatly print the victims name on a white piece of cardboard. The blood trickles down from the letters a bit, but I don't worry. It will dry soon enough.

Realizing I have one thing left to do, I sprint out of my lair and back out onto the streets. It may be dark out, but I don't stumble. I am used the dark. I wear it like protective armor.

My footsteps make close to no noise as I dash across the street. This kill is the closest one to my lair that I have ever made.

I kick the back door of the house open, knowing that I have already unhinged it. I walk through the dimly lit hallway into the living room. A smile creeps up, and my heart beat picks up again as I see the lady laying in the middle of the floor. Her blonde hair is matted down with blood, and her mascara is smeared from the tears. More of her blood has seeped out of the wound in her chest, making a pool around her.

I submerge my finger in blood once again, and then pull it out. Blood drips onto the floor as I pad over to the white mantel. My finger writes the message I memorized a few months ago.

Getting closer? Have fun with this one.

I can't stop my smile from growing as I survey my work. This may be some of my best work. I stoop down and look at my victim. She's truly very pretty. It's a shame she had to get in my way. Her screams still echo in my ears, causing me to feel even more alive than before

I jump up, and make my way to the back door as I hear the front door being unlocked.

I exit out the back door, as the front door is pulled open. I know who is arriving.

They are back. I hope they like their surprise.

A/N: Hello readers! I hope you enjoyed this! This is a new idea I've had where I will turn this book into a collection of horror one shots! I hope you enjoyed this!

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