Angry Townsman

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The putrid smell of death wafted into my nose as I stared down at the face of a skeleton. The bones were covered in dried blood, and the little bits of hair left sprawled out against the hay.

"Step back or I'll kill you," a deep voice commanded. My heart nearly exploded in my chest. That man managed to sneak up on me, one of the most alert people in the town. He was experienced.

I straightened my legs and pulled myself to a standing position.

"I said step back," he called out. I nodded, and took a few steps back.

"That good? Or should I go a bit further?" I knew I was walking on deadly waters, but I also knew it would help me come off as confident.

"Now turn around and face me."

I did as he asked. Moonlight leaked through the boards of the barn, illuminating only bits of his face. His hair was a simple buzz cut, his face unshaven and his eyes had a glint that looked murderous. He was in a jumpsuit as if he'd just made a jail break.

"What do you want?" I asked, a confidence in my voice not reflecting on my insides.

"Your blood." His voice was deep, and calm as if he'd planned out every second and rehearsed it so well that he could do it in his sleep.

My heart began beating faster and faster. The dead body behind me began to scare me more and more; what if this was his doing? But even worse, what if I ended up just like him?

"Scared?" he asked, a smirk plastered onto his face and his voice mocking me.

"No." My voice was now shaking. This man was much larger than me, and could probably knock me out with one punch.

"Don't even try bluffing. That terrified, quivering voice of yours gives it all away. You're more scared than a cat being shot at," he said, taking a step closer.

I heard the click before I saw the gun. He'd loaded it, but not shot yet.

"Why do you want to kill me?" I asked

"Because you've destroyed us. You've ruined this town and bound the rest of us to it's fate; to crumble with it," the man said, a gleam in his eye supporting the hatred lacing his voice.

"Don't exaggerate," I threatened with defiance surging through my blood. I took a step towards him.

A callous laugh bubbled out of his mouth, filling the room.

"I'm the one with the gun, remember?" He lifted it in the air as if to showcase it. The smell of the corpse still hung in the air.

In the moonlight shining through the slats of the barn, the gun seemed to gleam as if challenging me.

I could feel the cold for of my own gun in my back pocket. If I could get him distracted, I could get out my gun and shoot him.

"Don't even think about pulling that gun out of your pocket," he said as if reading my mind. He walked around behind me and pulled it out of my pocket.

Since he was behind me, I took the chance and slammed my elbow backward. My perfectly aimed blow hit his gut, eliciting a groan from him.

I began turning around when the cold, hard cylinder crashed into my head. I fell to the ground, small dots of light scattered across my vision.

My temple was throbbing, sending little explosions of pain pulsating through out my body.

"You idiot," the man breathed. "You just made me want to kill you even more."

I took a deep breath and prepared myself for the pain I'd feel.

Then I stood up and began running. The world around me spun. I staggered toward a light I thought was the door.

A force struck me from the side before I could make it. I fell to the hay-covered ground once more. This time an unimaginable amount of weight bore down on me, crushing my lungs.

I gasped for air, but could barely manage to get any passed to my lungs. My vision became even more dizzy.

My temple pounded even harder. A face came into my dizzy vision, spinning along with the rest of the world.

A sadistic smile was plastered on the man's face.

"You really are stupid," he said before raising his gun.

There was a loud bang that caused my head to pound. Then I saw a bullet flying toward my head.

An insane pain exploded through my body for a moment. And then nothing.

My last vision was the man watching as the life left my eyes, a giddy joy unlike any other in his eyes.


I hope you guys liked this one! Sorry it's been so long. I think I'll write the next one from the killers point of view.

Thanks for all the reads and votes I've gotten on this book even though it's not a book I update regularly or a book with a continuous story for that matter.

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