New Kid Pt.2

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Corl's POV:
As soon as I left school, I ran home. Luckily Denis and I had different last hours so he didn't know how quickly I left. I had to clean up. As soon as I got home, I let out the breath I had been holding. I saw the famed note on the counter. I didn't bother reading it. I knew they were out on a "date day" as they called it. It started after I left for school and it wouldn't end until around 3 the next morning. My parents do NOT act their age. My room is a mess. I've GOT to clean it. And that's what I did.

Denis's POV:
I was really hoping I would get to see Corl before I left school, but I guess he left in a hurry. I decided to text him.

D-hey Corl!
C-sup din din! 😋
D-i was just wondering when I could come over...
C-my parents will be out all day, so I guess in about 20 min. I'll be ready by then and I'll have some snacks ready!!
D-fantastic. Can't wait!

End convo

I guess I better go home. I have to feed my cat and do the dishes before I can see Corl.

Corl's POV: (20 min later)
I already told Denis he could come over so now I was just waiting. I sat eagerly on the couch and awaited the arrival of my new friend. Wait... What are we? I like him and he likes me, but we aren't dating. Complicated. I was brought out of my thoughts by a knock at the door. I ran to answer it and saw Denis standing in the doorway with a bag.

"Hey Din Din!" I said, hugging him. "What's with the​ bag?" We pulled out of the hug and he walked inside.

"I brought a couple of video games. I also didn't know if I was sleeping over or not, but I brought a few pairs of clothes just in case. I hope that's okay..." He finished quietly.

"Of course. I was going to tell you you could spend the night, but I forgot. Glad you were prepared!" He smiled at me and I led him to my room.

"Wow." He said as we entered my room. I had set up a table with a bunch of snacks and my TV was already blaring the theme of my favorite game. It was lit only by the TV screen. I moved some snacks to the bed and grabbed the controller on my bedside table, flipping onto the bed. After he set his stuff down, he grabbed the controller in my bedside table and joined me on the bed. I opened a bag of gummy bears and popped one in my mouth. He reached over and grabbed one as well, then we started playing.

*After game round thing!*

Denis's POV:
We finished playing a round of Party Panic, which I won, and we laid down on the bed next to each other. I moved closer and saw him blush. Then he spoke.

"What are we?" He asked.

"Umm..." I honestly just made a confused noise. "I don't know."

"So...We like each other, but we're not dating. Why is this so complicated?"

"Do you want to date me?" I asked hesitantly.

"Yeah. Do you want to date me?" He asked hopeful. I got on top of him and pinned his wrists above his head. He was wildly blushing when I kissed him. Passionately. On the lips. Yep. It was... Amazing. I broke it and flopped beside him into the bed, pulling him to my chest. We fell asleep next to each other.

A/N: Sorry this little series thing was bad but I wanted to give you guys something. It was good in my head, but time restraints suck. As always, LOVE YOU!!! BAIIIII!!!!!!

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