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dan continues to walk home, the occasional sounds of the cars driving by ring through the boy's ears. his vision starts to get brighter, and brighter by the minute, as he lets out a shaky breath and puts his unoccupied hand in the pocket of his hoodie.

dan can hear the birds' high-pitched chirps, the shifting of the leaves nearby, the rushed footsteps as people start pacing to work. it's as if the world was switched off, silent and peaceful, and now was hurrying to get back into a working system.

the thoughts begin to tangle in his mind, impeding any concentration from the real world, as dan wonders about the older boy. his insecurities concern what phil thinks of him, and he can physically feel his insides start to bubble. the way he didn't start any conversation with him, the way he was undoubtedly awkward, the way he was constantly stuttering on the words that left his uncoordinated pair of lips.

but the thought of the man left his fragile heart pounding at a high rate, his cheeks flushing with heat, and a uncontrollable storm of butterflies bouncing against the walls of his stomach.

it's probably just his nervousness.

before he knows it, dan reaches his apartment, his feet carrying him without hesitation and eyes fixated on the cold ground the whole time. he walks up the familiar route, one of his hands slipping into his pocket to jumble around for the keys.

with the cool morning breeze blowing in his hair, city sounds lurking behind his back, dan opened the door to his apartment.

"hey, dan!"

*their apartment.



so this is just a short chapter in between the last and next chapter .0.

i hope you're enjoying the book so far??

also thanks to GypsyRover for commenting on my book!! it means so much to me, so thank you!!

hope you all have a wonderful day 💙💙

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