Chapter 6:

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A/N--This is a big chapter with lots of laughs and lots of firsts!!! Enjoy!!!!

Lexie's POV:

I walked into marks house to find him sitting on the couch. I only saw one car in the driveway so I am assuming that his parents are away on business again.

"Hey" his face still lights up whenever he sees me


"Come sit" he said moving over on the couch so there was room. I walked over to him and gave him a kiss before sitting next to him

" I didn't see you in school today. How did everything go"

"Well... I told Callie about us today"

"You did!?!?!"

"Yes she is happy for us and she helped me decide how to tell Derek so I am gonna talk to him tomorrow"

In that moment I felt overwhelmed with emotions and couldn't not tell him how I feel.

"Mark Sloan I am so in love with you" It felt amazing to tell him how I feel and I felt a sigh of relief when a smile appeared on his face

"You do?" He asked

"Ya I do"

"I'm in love with you to Lexie" Hearing those words coming from the man I love was amazing. This moment couldn't be more perfect. I swung my leg over his and was now straddling him on the couch as I leaned in for a kiss which he deepened. I only broke the kiss to pull his shirt off and then we resumed.

"Are you sure" Mark asked me because he obviously knew where this was going

" Yes I am sure. I wanted my first time to be special. What could be more special than being with the man I love"

He smiled and as we continued his kissed moved down my neck. He stood up with my legs still wrapped around his waist and walked us backward into his bedroom. We fell backward onto his bed.

We undressed each other as the night went on. It could not have been a more perfect night with a more perfect guy.

Mark's POV:

"That was"

"Amazing" I said as I finished her sentence . She smiled up at me from under the covers of my bed.

"I was gonna say perfect but amazing definitely works"

"Are you okay? I mean do you want anything, some water or maybe something to eat?" I wanted to make sure that she was okay. I mean sure she was happy but she was still a sophomore and that was her first time. I just wanted it to be special and worthy of her.

"Ya I'm great, but I am a little hungry" she said chuckling while her arms were wrapped around me and her head was on my chest.

"Well why don't I order some pizza"

"Sounds great"

---after round two😉---

When I heard the doorbell I had to pry myself from Lexie's warm embrace to get the pizza we had delivered.

I walked up to the door and opened it but instead of the delivery guy Derek was standing there.

"Hey man I feel like I haven't seen you in months I thought we could hang out"

"Well actually I kind of have a girl here"

"Really who is she?"

"well she isn't just some girl Derek we love each other like real love"Derek has a shocked look on his face

"and why didn't i know this"

"Derek please be okay with this" I turned around to go get Lexie but as I did she walked out of my room wearing only one of my t-shirts.

"Mark come back to bed. I want my pizza" Lexie walked towards us obviously not yet realizing that it was Derek and not our food. Derek's face has now turned to 50% shock and 50% anger.

"perfect timing lex" I said sarcastically.

Lexie's POV:

When I heard Mark's sarcastic tone I opened my eyes wider only to realize that Derek was standing in place of the pizza guy and that I was standing in Mark's house with a shirtless Mark and me only in one of his t-shirts.

Saying nothing Derek punched Marl in the face. Mark turned back to Derek but before he could speak Derek punched him again.

"Derek stop" I pleaded for him to stop hurting Mark but at this point the boys were wrestling on the ground. There was no hope in me breaking them up so I ran next door to Callie's house to get her help. I banged on the door and she almost immediately answered.

"Please come I need your help"

We both ran back over and she broke up the fight between the two pretty beat up boys.

"Derek you need to leave" Callie said with a sternness in her voice.

"Le.." I cut him off before he could even finish my name "Just go Derek"

As he left me and Callie helped Mark off the floor and onto one of the island stools. Callie got out the first aid kit even though Mark insisted he was fine.

"Seriously guys I am totally okay, there is no need for you to go through all this trouble"

"Shut up Mark" Callie and I said in unison.

"Well you know.." Mark grabbed my hips and pulled me a close as he could while still sitting down "Seeing your bossy side is kind of sexy" He said with that signature grin on his face.

"Oh really" I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck

"EH UGM" Callie said bringing Mark and I back to reality and reminding us that we weren't alone.

"Sorry" I said through my chuckles "I guess we are going to have to get used to being a couple when other people are around"

"Ya you might want to start that cause I have a feeling it might take you to a while" She said holding back her own laughs.

"Well we can't go public just yet. I still have to tell Meredith. Actually I should probably get on they soon I don't want her to hear it from Derek first"

"Oh yeah" Mark interjected still holding my hips

"Ugh I don't want to leave you though"

"Don't worry Lexie. I got him you go do what you need to do"

" okay thank you" I said as I left Marks embrace and hugged Callie and went to throw my pants on before walking out the door. The door closed behind me but before I took another step I turned back around and walked back into Mark's house.

"I forgot something" I said while walking towards Mark grabbing his face and giving him an intense and passionate kiss and heading home.

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